Prompt #18: Harlequin

Apr 05, 2007 02:15

Title: Harlequin
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Fluffy fluff
Word count: 560
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for Prompt #18 at hd_fluff. The prompt was baby animals.
Summary: Harry goes to pick out a kitten.

Harlequin )

content: fluff, content: pet(s), comm: hd_fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: pet(s) from shelter

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Comments 53

piratesmile331 April 5 2007, 07:24:04 UTC


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 07:25:28 UTC

Thank you for using a cat icon, too. *grins*


piratesmile331 April 5 2007, 07:30:40 UTC
Aristocats Rule! *lol*
I love how Harry was exactly right about the ginger cat reminding Draco of a Weasley. And how the poor little lonely one snuggled right up to Draco (the calico is probably a Slytherin, and knows how to manipulate the situation to her advantage...)
Great use of the prompt!


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 07:34:05 UTC
You know, as much as I love cats, I don't think I've ever watched Aristocats all the way through. Huh.

"Percy" is a good name for that kitten. Hee!

Gah, the prompt. I wrote most of a different fic earlier this evening, then I decided it wasn't fluffy enough and abandoned it. It may yet see the light of day some other time.


cinnamon_memoir April 5 2007, 10:04:54 UTC
That is just so adorable, and Harlequin is such a cool kitty name! I love it!


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 23:54:33 UTC
I think I gave myself a cavity writing this.


_meretricula April 5 2007, 10:56:45 UTC
Ahh, so cute I think my brain is melting.
I just love the idea of the ice cold Draco Malfoy falling in love at the first meow.


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 23:55:39 UTC
This was uber-fluffy, even for me. Hee!

I think it was the purr that did Draco in, but the meow helped.


lackofmendacity April 5 2007, 11:13:13 UTC
Everybody say it with me: Awwww...

That was so cute and fluffy, I'm positively squealing (and apparently that sound shatters glass, according to my friends *grins*)

And for Draco's dislike of Ron to extend to cats? Adorable...


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 23:56:48 UTC
This was an "aw" inspiring fic! Ha ha ha!

Draco was just shocked at the kitten's orange hair.


kcstories April 5 2007, 13:35:44 UTC
Absolutely adorable. ♥


enchanted_jae April 5 2007, 23:57:30 UTC
Thank you!


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