Title: Nothing but Harry
enchanted_jaePairing: D/H
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mild suggestion
Word count: 256
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: This is a sequel of sorts to
Budge Over, and it was written in response to a comment made by
Summary: Draco reveals all.
Draco stifled an irritated sigh as he settled closer to Harry on Granger's sofa. The party had degenerated into playing juvenile games reminiscent of their Hogwarts days, but he supposed that's all one could expect when a Gryffindor was left in charge of the entertainment. He tried to feign interest as Longbottom took a turn.
"Truth or Dare, Lavender?" Neville prompted.
"Truth," Lavender responded.
"Who was the first boy you ever snogged?" asked Neville.
"This may surprise you," said Lavender, "but it was Blaise Zabini." This was met with a chorus of disbelief from the largely Gryffindor crowd.
"Not so surprising," drawled Draco. "Zabini was always known as a ladies' man at school."
Now that everyone's attention was on him, Lavender eyed him speculatively. "Truth or Dare, Malfoy?" she challenged.
"Truth," he replied in a bored tone.
Lavender gave him a cheeky grin and asked, "What do you wear to sleep in?"
Draco's answering smile was pure, Slytherin smirk. "When sleeping, I wear nothing but Harry," he confessed. His statement was greeted with another outburst from the assembled Gryffindors.
The loudest was Weasley, who bellowed, "I did not need to know that!"
Draco glanced at Harry. His boyfriend was blushing adorably, but his eyes met Draco's boldly, and there was heated promise in their depths. Standing abruptly, Draco announced, "I am feeling quite knackered suddenly, so if you all will please excuse me?" Extending a hand to his lover, he added, "Will you join me, Harry? I need something to wear."