Cock and Bull 31

May 18, 2024 20:53

Banner by herumtreiber

Title: Cock and Bull 31
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Animal husbandry
Word count: 860
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for felaine who requested more of Cock and Bull
Summary: The menagerie expands...again.

The following morning, Harry and Draco parted ways once they left the house. Draco turned toward the chicken coop to feed his hens and gather the eggs, while Harry headed to the barn to get his stool and bucket so he could milk the cows. Harry was anticipating that milking time may be more exciting than usual, what with the new cow, Scarlett, to milk. He hoped she didn't mind the hands-on approach.

What Harry hadn't reckoned on was yet another new addition among the cattle. Susie had a newborn calf with her.

"Draco!" Harry called, trying to get Draco's attention without raising his voice too loudly. There was no response. Harry looked down at Frankie. She sat at his feet, ears perked forward as she looked up at him.

"Go fetch Draco," Harry told her. Frankie barked once and stood up, tail waving as she awaited being instructed to do something she was trained for. "Round up Draco and bring him here?" Harry tried.

Frankie yipped again.

Harry sighed and drew his wand. He glanced around. They had no neighbors in sight, but it was best to be sure. Harry cast his Patronus and sent it to Draco with instructions to join him.

Draco jogged into sight a moment later. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, actually," Harry replied, feeling a smidgeon of guilt. "Susie's had her calf, and we need to put it in the barn, like we did with Oakley when he was born."

"Seems cruel."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yes, you said that when Oakley was born."

"Is it a boy calf or a heifer?" Draco asked.

"I haven't checked yet," said Harry. He set his stool and pail on the ground and grinned at Draco. "Would you like to open the gates or scoop up the calf?"

Draco's eyes widened. "I'll be on gate duty."

Harry nodded and went to fetch some grain. He'd needed some to feed the cows while they were being milked any way. He carried the bucket of grain into the pasture and cautiously approached Susie. She rumbled a warning at him, and Harry paused. He spoke to her in a low, soothing tone and resumed his careful steps in Susie's direction. Harry set the grain on the ground near her and backed up.

Susie kept an eye on him as she stepped up to the bucket and stuck her nose inside. Harry let her munch for a moment before he sidled around her and scooped the calf up in his arms. It bleated in alarm, and Susie swung around. Frankie darted between Harry and the cow and kept her at bay with sharp barks and feints. Harry sprinted for the safety of the barn, ducking inside and trusting Draco to close the gate and lock it.

Harry set the calf down and called for Frankie. She ducked under the gate and gave the calf a cursory sniff. Chauncey took advantage of the commotion to bury his enormous head in the grain bucket, tipping it over the spilling the oats across the ground. Frisky and Daisy joined him in hoovering up the grain.

"Bloody hell, Chauncey, you buggering idiot," grumbled Harry. He scooped the calf up again as Susie bellowed at the gate.

Without being told, Draco dashed ahead of Harry and opened the pen that used to house Oakley. They'd moved him in with Ivy in anticipation of Susie's calf being born. Harry set the calf down again, stood back, and wiped his brow.

"That was fun," he commented.

"It was terrifying," Draco snapped. "How did you manage this on your own?"

"Frankie opened the gates," quipped Harry. He chuckled and stooped to peer at the calf's underpinnings. "It's a bull calf. Damn." He straightened again and addressed Draco. "Finish gathering your eggs, while I milk Susie out. Do you reckon you can tackle feeding this one his first bottle?"

"Yeah," replied Draco. "If I need help, I'll ask Frankie."

Harry laughed. "That's the spirit." He filled another bucket with oats and grabbed a second pail. Susie's milk would need to be separated from that of the other cows, at least for the first few days after calving. What didn't go to feed her calf would need to be discarded.

Harry exited the barn and reentered the pasture from the gate outside. Susie still had her nose pressed to the gate, fussing over her calf.

"He's fine," Harry assured her. He watched her carefully for any signs of aggression as he neared her and set the grain on the ground in front of her. Susie snorted and began eating the oats. Harry set the stool next to her and began milking her. When he finished, he carried the pail to Draco, who was waiting at the fence.

"Let me know if you have any trouble getting the calf to nurse."

Draco nodded and ambled off with the pail of milk. Harry took up the other pail, retrieved his stool, and headed for Scarlett. She needed to adjust to being milked by hand. May as well get it over with. He reckoned she was less likely to murder him than Susie was.

content: humor, content: pet(s), verse: cock and bull, gift: birthday, rating: pg

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