Visitations 12

Mar 30, 2024 22:01

Title: Visitations 12
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, ofc
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 1055
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for jake67jake who asked for something dark and provided the prompts depressed, "Life as I/we know it is over." I tweaked the quote a bit.
♦ Birthday gift for piratesmile331, who requested more of Visitations
Summary: Harry deals with a trifling irritation in his garden.

In the hours before dawn, Harry felt a minor disturbance in his wards. He was in bed with Draco, though not sleeping. There would be time enough for sleep when the sun rose. For now Harry was simply enjoying the closeness of his Consort. He was drowsy and sated, but he came fully alert when he felt an intrusion in the gardens. Oddly enough, he hadn't felt someone, or something, cross into his territory. No, the disturbance simply appeared.

Harry rose from Draco's bed, dressed quickly, and retrieved his Invisibility cloak. He hadn't used it since the situation in France, but Moody's 'constant vigilance' training was deeply ingrained in him. Harry swept the cloak around his shoulders, took up his wand, and teleported into his gardens.

At first Harry saw nothing. He went utterly still as only a preternatural creature could. Motion caught Harry's attention, and he turned his head. His eyes picked up and tracked the movement of an amorphous mist through garden. The mist halted near a bench and loosed a mournful moan, sounding piteous and depressed.

Had he been human, the sound would have raised the hair on Harry's nape. Being inhuman, however, it did nothing but raise his ire. He glided closer to initiate the inevitable confrontation.

"Miss Balmoral."

Speaking her name empowered the apparition and gave it the energy to manifest. Harry found himself looking upon the spectral form of Amelia Balmoral.

"Mr Potter?"

The specter's head turned this way and that, and Harry allowed himself a smug smile. If Death itself could not see through his cloak, no mere haunt could either. He looked beyond the ghost of Amelia Balmoral, focused his magic, and rattled some pebbles on the footpath. She peered in that direction, and Harry took the opportunity to swing his cloak off his shoulders.

When Amelia turned back, her form wavered, and Harry heard a small gasp from her. "You are not welcome here," he said, voice low and threatening.

Amelia's chin lifted. "You can't frighten me," she said, lied. "I'm already dead, because of you."

Harry took a step nearer, causing her form to flicker once more. "I warned you." He left it to her to work out if he was referring to the night she'd died or to the present.

"You neglected to warn me that you had no intention of Turning me," she spat, her outline flickering with agitation. "You meant to kill me all along."

Harry grinned, displaying his fangs. "You were in Slytherin. You shouldn't have been so trusting."

"And you were in Gryffindor," she countered. "Noble, sacrificing, practically a saint."

"You forgot, and seem to be forgetting even now, that I am no longer human," said Harry. "I lost my moral compass when I shed my humanity." As he spoke, he stalked closer to her.

Amelia flitted back, giving lie to her claim that she did not fear him. "You murdered me!"

"I did," Harry confirmed. "If you are seeking an apology, you aren't going to get it because I am not in search of absolution. You have no one to blame for your predicament but yourself. You yearned for immortality, and you lusted after the power being an immortal dark creature would have provided. I saw it in you, that depraved desire, and I refused to be the instrument of its release. Your own choices brought you to this. I all but begged you to reconsider the boon you demanded of me, but you would not be dissuaded. Life as you once knew it is now over. Accept it and move on."

She screeched and flew at him in a rage.

Harry flicked his wand at her and sent her incorporeal form tumbling away. As Amelia righted herself once more, Harry twirled the tip of his wand, encasing her in a ball of energy. She screamed and cursed, battering at the edges of her cage in vain.

"Amelia Balmoral," Harry said, voice low and deadly. "I banish you, not only from my territory, but from this plane of existence. Begone, and never return."

With that, Harry focused his magic on shrinking the ball of energy. It reduced rapidly in size until it was barely as big as a marble. It vanished with a faint pop. Harry remained still and vigilant, seeking out with both his magic and his vampiric senses. All traces of his nemesis were gone. Nodding once in satisfaction, Harry tucked his wand up his sleeve and drew his cloak about himself.

In his former life, Harry would have wallowed in guilt for murdering Amelia Balmoral. He hadn't even been able to kill Voldemort. Now, however, he simply didn't care. Harry had spoken the truth when he told Amelia he'd shed his humanity. While he missed being fully human and mortal, Harry found he didn't miss his moral compass. Its lack allowed him to be decisive as well as ruthless when he needed to be. Harry shrugged and vanished with a faint pop of his own.

He reappeared in Draco's bedroom, shed the cloak and his clothing, and slid into bed next to his Consort. He wrapped his arms around Draco and spooned up behind him.

Draco shivered. "Harry?" he mumbled, voice thick with sleep.

"You were expecting someone else in your bed?"

Draco yawned and tried to roll over, but Harry's arms tightened around him. He wasn't ready to face his Consort just yet.

"I was having an odd dream," said Draco, his words still slow as honey on a cold morning. "An owl flew in the window and screeched at me. It was most bizarre."

Harry's arms tightened again reflexively before he consciously relaxed his grip. "Did it have a message for you?" he asked, playing along.

Draco was silent for a moment. "No," he replied at last. "It simply wanted to screech."

"I reckon we all feel like that at times," said Harry. He nuzzled Draco's nape, licked it, and then scraped the tender skin with the edge of one fang. Draco shivered again, for an entirely different reason. Harry nudged him into rolling onto his stomach. He moved to crouch over Draco, gripping his hips and pulling them upward.

Harry leaned down and whispered in his Consort's ear, "Enough of owls. Let me see how loudly I can make you screech."

content: slytherin!harry, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, verse: visitations, gift: birthday, content: dark fic, content: creature fic, creature: vampire

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