Title: Like a Cat 89
Fandom: Cal Leandros
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s)/Pairing: Cal
Rating: PG
Written for:
drabble_weekly Challenge No. 391 - Is it just me?
Warnings: First person pov (Cal's)
Word count: 100
Summary: Cal takes his chances.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
It was five in the morning before I got home. Spartacus was draped over my shoulders like a ratty, hairless stole found in the thrift shop bargain bin. I set Spartacus down, took my jacket off, and tossed it across the chair.
I was hungry so I dumped Lucky Charms into a bowl and got the milk from the fridge. I opened it and sniffed. I held it out to Spartacus. "Does this smell off, or is it just me?" I shrugged and poured it over the cereal anyway. It would take more than bad milk to make me sick.
Like a Cat 90