We Can Hardly Stand to Wait

Dec 26, 2023 19:27

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Title: We Can Hardly Stand to Wait
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, other HP characters, ocs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 1360
Summary: Harry and Draco announce their impending fatherhood.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 26 - Boxing Day party
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2023 No. 26 - Boxing Day
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 26 - laughter
adventdrabbles Prompt No. 26 - Too much food

Harry awoke to the sensation of fingers skating gently over his hip. He smiled, stretched, and rolled over. "Good morning, and Happy Anniversary, Mr Potter-Malfoy. Or, shall I just call you Daddy?"

Draco's sleepy, contented expression turned to one of dismay. "Ugh, I'd rather you didn't. Coming from Jasmin, it's adorable. From you, it's disturbing."

Harry chuckled before leaning close to kiss his husband. "We're going to be daddies again."

Draco smiled brightly. "I can scarcely believe it. When shall we tell everyone?"

Harry blinked at him. "Honestly, Draco, it's like you don't even know me. We'll announce it at our Boxing Day party tonight, in keeping with tradition."


As predicted, the children had slept in, allowing Harry and Draco to celebrate their anniversary with a leisurely shag. They indulged in a relaxing breakfast of tea and scones. By the time the first of the minions came downstairs, Harry was busy scrambling eggs while Draco was popping bread in the toaster. Soon all three children were gathered around the table and eating their breakfast.

"Our party is tonight," Harry reminded them. "Everyone will need to help get ready. Carolyn, you can dust the downstairs, Ben, you're in charge of mopping the floors. Jas, you can run the vac, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy."

Carolyn took a sip of juice before saying, "Doesn't Grammeer usually send her elves to help?"

"Your father is teasing you. Again," said Draco. "If he doesn't stop being naughty, he'll be doing all the cleaning."

Ben and Carolyn giggled, and Jasmin just looked confused.

Harry took pity on her. "Jasmin, your only job today is to keep Cassi out of trouble."

"Okay, Daddy!"


By the time the first guests arrived, Malfoy Manor, the Lesser had been cleaned and decorated. Kreacher had lorded it over Narcissa's elves as he barked out orders like a general. Even Harry had been reluctant to get in the way.

Ron and Hermione were the first guests through the Floo, bringing Rose, Hugo, and Anna with them.

"Do you have that chocolate fountain set up again?" were the first words out of Ron's mouth.

Hermione swatted him. "Honestly, Ronald!" She turned to Harry and Draco. "Happy Anniversary, you two."

"Yeah, what she said," Ron added. "Chocolate fountain?"

"Same place we had it last year," Harry replied. "Did you bring the fruit, like Hermione told you to?"

Ron's eyes widened. "She never said!"

It was Harry's turn to get smacked. "Honestly, Harry!" Hermione huffed at him.

Other guests began arriving, and Harry was able to escape Hermione's wrath as he stepped into the role of host. When Neville and Luna arrived with Ellie and Levi, Harry's throat tightened. He met them halfway, enfolding Luna in a gentle hug. "Thank you," Harry choked out. He released Luna and wrapped Neville in a manly hug. "Thank you, too, Nev. You've given us a gift beyond compare."

Neville patted Harry's back and stepped back. "Fortunately for you, mate, she's a happy pregnant woman. If she was like Hermione, I'd send her here to live for the duration."

Draco came up and hugged them both, too. "We can't thank you enough," he said, voice tight with emotion. "Luna, I shall send a gallon of my anti-nausea potion."

She giggled. "Nausea is about the only drawback I've experienced with my pregnancies."

"Do either of you mind if we make an announcement tonight?" asked Harry. "We can keep your names out of it if you'd prefer to be discreet."

Neville took Luna's hand and gazed down at her lovingly. "We don't mind," he said. "Best to be upfront about it, otherwise we'd be fielding awkward questions about our impending bundle of joy."

Harry would have liked to dote on Luna, but he had other guests to mingle with, and he reckoned Neville knew best how to fuss over her.

Harry spent the early portion of the evening feeling smug about the number of couples in attendance whom he'd initially paired up, including Chesney and Ashton, Oliver and Katie, Josh and Ginny, and Astoria and Foster.

As in years prior, Harry and Draco provided simple nibbles and beverages. By Boxing Day, everyone had already eaten too much food, and a feast was out of the question. The chocolate fountain was popular with the guests, who exclaimed in delight as they dipped fruits and other sweets in its flowing goodness.

Eventually, Harry and Draco met up in the middle of their ballroom. Harry tapped his glass of champagne with a fork to get everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming," he said. "Does anyone have an announcement to make? A proposal? An elopement?" Harry looked at Chesney and Ash when he asked that, getting cheeky grins in response. "No?" Harry pressed, eyes scanning the assemblage. "Very well, Draco and I have an announcement of our own to make. We're going to have a baby."

Several guests erupted in laughter. "Which one of you is up the duff?" teased George.

Harry reckoned he deserved that; he'd joked often enough that he intended to get his husband up the duff just so they could keep up the string of major announcements at their Boxing Day party. Harry opened his mouth to explain, but Draco beat him to it.

"Harry is."

His deadpan delivery was met with guffaws all around. Harry elbowed his ponker of a husband and raised his voice to be heard.

"All joking aside, we are going to be fathers again, via a surrogate."

The laughter turned to gasps of wonder, cries of delight, and shouted congratulations.

Anything else Harry may have said was smothered in Molly's bosom as she rushed forward to hug him. Draco was being similarly smothered by Narcissa.

"My dears, I'm so happy for you!" Molly exclaimed, switching with Narcissa to hug Draco, while Harry was wrapped in Narcissa's arms.

Narcissa stepped back and looked at both of them, her eyes shining with joy. "This is...I have no words," she stammered. "This is marvelous news. Who is the mother, may I ask? Katie Wood?"

Over her head, Harry saw Neville and Luna approach. He placed his hands on Narcissa's shoulders and turned her. "Allow me to present the mother of your next grandchild."

"Luna!" gasped Narcissa, hand fluttering to her throat. She reached for her, taking Luna's hands in her own. "You dear, sweet girl. You are a marvel, a miracle of compassion and forgiveness. You bless and honor our family. And Neville, I...thank you. Thank you!"

Neville's eyes widened with shock as he was the recipient of the next maternal hug.

Once everyone else grasped what was going on they crowded around to offer more congratulations. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of back slapping and hand shaking. Harry was almost dizzy with it by the time the final guests were ushered through the Floo.

He looked at Draco and offered a wry smile. "That was...I can't decide if it was exhilarating or exhausting."

"Some of each, I reckon," said Draco, raking a hand through his hair. He looked around. "Where are our children?"

Harry had no idea, but he did know how to find out. "Chewy?"

After a moment, the dog peered out of the family room, ears perked forward.

"Family room," said Harry, leading the way. He halted in the doorway. All three children were sound asleep. Carolyn on the sofa, and Ben and Jasmin in a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. Cassi, Barnabus, and Nick were curled up with them, and Chewy yawned widely and plopped down next to Jasmin.

Harry drew Draco out of the room. "Let's allow them to sleep there for the night," he said. "They're clearly knackered, and I don't want to deal with the grouchiness if we wake them up now."

"I don't suppose it will hurt anything," Draco agreed. "They need their sleep; we have another exciting day ahead of us tomorrow."

Harry nodded. "We need to get to bed, too," he said, leading the way to the stairs. He paused and looked back at Draco. "I'm topping this time."

"I'm afraid not, Harry," Draco said with feigned concern. "Not in your delicate condition."

We'll Eat Cookies and Candy

challenge: jae's advent, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, content: bickering, content: pet(s), content: fluff, content: humor, rating: pg, comm: adventdrabbles, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, verse: yuletide

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