Naughty Nights

Sep 23, 2023 21:06

Title: Naughty Nights
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco, Narcissa, ocs
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): None
Word count: 1065
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for lijahlover who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Draco tries to distract himself from memories of naughty nights spent at the club.

Two days went by. Two long, agonizing days, in which Draco dithered. He alternately swore off men altogether or else resolved to patronize the nearest swanky club in search of a one-off. He spent so much time not-thinking of Potter and Club Coquette that he was dismayed to realize that both the bloke and the site were ever at the edges of his mind.

It was maddening.

Draco found he was wanking more than usual, as well. Time was, a couple trips to Club Coquette each week was more than enough to satisfy him. With that option off the table, Draco was forced to take matters into his own hand. Rubbing one out was less than ideal but better than nothing. If only he could quit remembering those naughty nights at the club...

Knowing that he needed to get out of the Manor or go completely mental, Draco opted to Floo to Diagon Alley. There, he could stroll the streets, do some window shopping, and pop into the Leaky for a pint. Draco hadn't had a drop of alcohol since that ill-fated evening at the charity event. One pint of ale shouldn't result in a pounding head and poor decisions.

Draco showered and dressed, taking more care with his appearance than he had since the Potter Fiasco, as he termed it in his mind. He notified one of the house elves that he was going out, as he didn't want to be subjected to an interrogation from his mother.

Once he stepped out on the street in Diagon Alley, Draco took a deep breath and felt some of the tension leave his shoulders. Moping at home hadn't done him any favors, and he resolved not to do so any longer. So what if he had no romantic partner at this time, nor any prospects? Draco didn't need another bloke to be happy. Relationships were nothing but trouble. As he bolstered himself with his inner monologue, Draco stoically ignored the happy-seeming couples who strolled along the cobbled streets. They were miserable inside, he was sure of it.

Spying Twilfitt and Tatting's up ahead, Draco quickened his pace. He stepped into the shop, the tinkle of bells over the door immediately taking him back to the many hours he'd spent here. Not to mention the many galleons he'd spent as well.

"Mr Malfoy," greeted the witch working there. "May I help you with anything?"

"I wish to browse," said Draco. "I'll let you know if I require assistance."

"Very good, sir," she said, resuming her place behind the counter.

Draco took his time perusing the wares. He ended up selecting a cashmere jumper in a stunning shade of green.

"Is this a gift, sir?" the witch asked as she wrapped the jumper in tissue. "It's not the size we have on file for you."

Draco blinked at her in astonishment. All while he'd been admiring the jumper, both the extravagant material and the exquisite color, he'd been thinking of...someone else. He was tempted to walk out without going through with the purchase, but pride demanded he see it through.

"It is a gift, yes," he admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment color his cheeks.

"Shall I gift wrap it for you?"

"Thank you, no," Draco said quickly. "I'll wrap it myself." He accepted the flat box the witch handed him, reduced it to a size that would fit in the pocket of his trousers, and departed the shop.

Once back on the street, Draco stepped to the side and took a moment to collect himself. Clearly, he'd been thinking of Potter when he spied the jumper. He needed to purge Potter from his thoughts once and for all. Perhaps he would go to a club tonight, where he could pull a random bloke for a night of anonymous sex.

Draco groaned. Thinking of anonymous sex merely brought Potter to the front of his mind again. He massaged his forehead and strove to conjure up thoughts of something, anything else.

A commotion across the street caught his attention. Draco glanced up to see a gaggle of young witches exiting Flourish & Blotts, giggling and chatting animatedly. Draco waited until they had moved down the street before striding over to the bookstore. Perhaps some reading material would take his mind off of his troubles.

Draco took his time in the shop, poring over potions books and ones that had to do with Quidditch. He even spent some time in the aisle where silly romance novels were displayed. After opening one too many of the romances, releasing giggles and moans from the pages, Draco hastily departed that aisle. He returned to the potions books and selected one touching on the lore of brewing as well as devoting several chapters to obscure ingredients and their uses.

Pleased that one thing had gone right today, Draco returned home with his spirits marginally lifted. He Floo'ed directly into his suite, tossed the miniaturized box containing the green jumper onto his bureau, and placed his new book carefully on the small table in his sitting room.

Draco was headed for his dressing room to change to more comfortable clothing when one of the house elves popped in. It bowed to him and said, "Lady Malfoy is expecting company, sir, and is needing you to be hosting in the parlor."

The elf disappeared again, and Draco threw his head back and groaned. If his mother had invited Todd to tea, after he'd impressed upon her how little he cared for the odious boor, Draco was going to flee into the forest and live the life of a hermit.

He took the time to freshen up in his en suite before going downstairs to join his mother in the front parlor, where she routinely received guests. She looked up as he entered the room.

"Ah, Draco, I'm pleased you've arrived home in time to act as host."

Draco smoothed a hand down his shirt while giving his mother a stern look. "Mum, please tell me you did not invite Todd the Troll to tea."

"Of course I didn't, darling," she said. "You made your opinion of Todd quite clear, and who am I to meddle?"

There was no safe answer to that question, so Draco let it pass. "Whom did you invite to tea?" he asked, pulling out a chair.

"I've extended an invitation to Mr Potter."

Stirring Senses

verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: flangst

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