Attempts at Seduction

Sep 10, 2023 16:27

Banner found on Pinterest; will credit artist if I find out who it is

Title: Attempts at Seduction
Author: enchanted_jae
Fandom: Cal Leandros
Author's note: In a perfect world, we would all treat one another with kindness and respect, our pets would live as long as we do, and Niko would never have cut that glorious long blond fall of his hair.
Characters: Robin, Niko, Promise
Rating: R
Warning(s): Violence, first person pov (Robin's)
Word count: 455
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: ficlet_zone Prompt No. 66 - Star Trek. I chose: The Naked Time, Where No Man Has Gone Before, This Side of Paradise, A Piece of the Action, A Private Little War, Wink of an Eye.
Summary: Robin wants what he can't have.

I slipped through the door of the Leandros brothers' converted garage apartment and was met with a most tantalizing sight. Achilles himself, reincarnated in the form of Niko Leandros, was practicing with one of his blades in the workout area. He was shirtless, skin damp with perspiration, hair in that perfect, fussy braid I longed to muss.

So enthralled with the view was I that I nearly sat on Promise Nottinger when I dropped onto Caliban's disreputable couch to watch the show.

"Pardon me, Elvira," I said, not even bothering to look at her. I didn't need to; I could feel the heat of her glare. Promise was Niko's lady love and she was well aware I lusted after her boy toy. Who could blame me? Artists would weep at the sight of his body and forsake sleep and sustenance to capture it on canvas or in marble.

Alas, Niko was steadfastly straight, although that made me all the more determined to crack his resistance and indulge myself where no man has gone before. All of that masculine perfection and raw sex appeal and innocent of the pleasures to be found between males? Be still, my cock.

"When does the naked time begin?" I asked Promise, leaning back and draping both arms along the top of the couch. I shouldn't aggravate her, but it amused me. Niko routinely ignored my flirtations and attempts at seduction, but knowing I made the attempts caused Promise to seethe. If I couldn't have Niko, at least I could have a private little war with her.

I turned my head to look at her. She was stunning in her own right. Not classically beautiful, but exotically so. "How about a threesome?" I suggested with a wink of an eye.

Her chin lifted. "I am certain there are some Revenants who wouldn't mind sharing you."

I sighed in mock despair. "Why must you be so selfish? I have no wish to steal Niko away from you. I simply want a piece of the action." The action would be the closest I'd come to this side of paradise, I was sure of it.

"Ask him yourself," she said, her smirk displaying a hint of fang.

Should I ask, we both knew what the answer would be. Nevertheless, I decided to play along. "Niko," I called out. His focus didn't waver; it never did, but I knew I had his attention. "Would you be interested in a threesome?"

Without looking, Niko whipped a small dagger at me. I ducked to the side and caught it by the handle. I tested the point with my thumb and frowned. This was no dulled practice blade. As rejections went, they didn't come any sharper.

content: ust, comm: ficlet_zone, content: first person pov, fandom: cal leandros, rating: r

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