2023 HPBun fest fic: A Family With You

Sep 05, 2023 20:22

Title: A Family With You
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Pairing(s): Charlie/Neville
Prompt: #S1: After trying for so long, they are surprised by a multiple birth.
Summary: Neville learns he's carrying twins, and he couldn't be happier.
Word Count: 713
Rating: PG
Warnings/Contains: None
Notes: Many thanks to lijahlover for providing the beta.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Charlie tidied up after tea, refusing to allow Neville to help. "I'll take care of this, Professor Longbottom-Weasley," he teased. "You go change into something comfortable for our visit to Healer Edgecombe."

Neville grinned and left his husband to it. He entered the bedroom of their quarters and changed into loose-fitting joggers and his coziest Weasley jumper. It was large enough to disguise the swell of his stomach. Neville placed a reverent hand on his abdomen. He and Charlie had tried for so long to begin a family, but they had been stymied at every turn. Charlie had even offered to try carrying, despite the fact that his position teaching Care of Magical Creatures could be dangerous.

They had all but given up on their dream when Neville had unexpectedly fallen pregnant. Charlie had been overly solicitous ever since, which was both charming and frustrating. Neville usually let him have his way. Not only did it feel good to be pampered, but he knew it gave Charlie some peace of mind to take care of him.

Charlie joined Neville in their shared bedroom. "You look good enough to devour, love."

Neville felt his face get hot. "There'll be none of that, Professor Weasley. We have an appointment at St Mungo's."

"Professors!" Marietta greeted them with a smile.

"Healer!" Charlie teased her in turn.

All three of them shared a laugh before Marietta got down to business. "How are you feeling, Neville?"

"Not bad at all," he replied. "I have some minor nausea in the morning, but a bracing cup of tea puts me to rights."

"Wonderful," said Marietta. "Lie back for me and raise your jumper, please."

"That's what I said the night we conceived."

"Charlie!" cried Neville, swatting at his husband with the back of his hand.

Marietta giggled as she drew her wand and passed it back and forth over the swell of Neville's stomach. She paused and her lips parted in surprise.


Neville tensed, and he reached out blindly. Charlie's hand gripped his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Is anything wrong, Marietta?" Charlie asked. All hints of humor and teasing were gone from his face and voice.

"No, not at all," she said. "It's just...well, considering your family history I reckon I shouldn't say it's a surprise."

Neville gulped and tightened his hold on Charlie's hand. "What is it? What are you talking about?"

Marietta smiled at him. "Twins, Neville. You're carrying twins."

Neville was still somewhat dazed when he and Charlie returned to Hogwarts. Charlie insisted he relax on the sofa while he fixed a soothing cup of chamomile tea.

"Here you are, love," said Charlie, handing Neville a cup of the fragrant brew. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yes," said Neville. "I'm still trying to process is all." He took a sip of tea and sighed in pleasure. "This is perfect."

Charlie sat at the end of the sofa by Neville's feet. "You're not upset about having twins?"

"Of course not," Neville said to reassure his anxious husband. "I'm thrilled and shocked and happy and a little bit nervous all at once."

"That's understandable."

Neville smiled at Charlie. "I'm happy, I am," he insisted. "I'm simply wondering how we got so lucky. We tried and tried to have a baby, and then when we'd all but resigned ourselves to the fact that it wasn't going to happen, we found out I was pregnant. We always talked about having two children, didn't we?"

"Yeah, but not at once," said Charlie.

Neville chuckled and set his tea cup on the low table next to him. "Are you scared, Professor Weasley?"


"It will be fine," said Neville. "Marietta wasn't at all concerned, except to say I'll need to be careful and get plenty of rest. Fortunately, teaching Herbology isn't stressful. Just think, Charlie. We could have two precious little girls."

"Or two rotten little boys, like Fred and George."

"Maybe we'll have one of each," Neville said. "The important thing is, we'll have a family. A family! Everything is going to be perfect."

Charlie scooted forward and pressed a light kiss to Neville's lips. He leaned back and brushed his knuckles over Neville's stomach. "What makes it perfect is that I'm going to have a family with you."

pairing: charlie/neville, #s1, content: rarepair, content: mpreg, content: fluff, rating: pg, fest: hpbun pregnancy fest, content: fest fic

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