Dragon Brew 73

Jun 24, 2023 19:39

Title: Dragon Brew 73
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 555
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 73 - Pride coffee mug
Summary: Draco drops by to thank Harry for the gift.

Harry had dozed off on the sofa with Panini cradled in the crook of one arm. A chime from his Floo roused him to wakefulness. Harry blinked and righted his specs. Panini yawned. The chime sounded again. Grumbling to himself, Harry stood up and carried his kitten to the Floo. He saw Malfoy's face dancing in the flames.

"You're still dressed, I see," said Malfoy.

Harry smirked. "That can be remedied in a matter of moments."

"What? No. I meant that I didn't wake you," Malfoy elaborated. "May I come through?"

Harry stepped back and enlarged the fireplace.

Malfoy emerged and smiled. "Aren't you a handsome boy?"

"Er, thank you?"

"I was talking to Panini, Potter."

"Git," Harry snorted. "To what do I owe the honor? And what time is it?"

"Did I wake you? My apologies."

"Panini and I dozed off while watching the telly," said Harry. "No doubt you've saved me from a nasty crick in my neck."

"Happy to be of service, Potter," Malfoy said with another easy grin. "I just wanted to thank you for the unexpected gift."

"Ah. My favorite coffee shop was selling those spoons, and I reckoned you needed the one that referenced Bean," said Harry.

Malfoy's brow furrowed. "We have them for sale at Dragon Brew?"

"No, I got it from Cosmo's Cafe."

"Plonker," said Malfoy. He paused a moment. "Where did you get the spoon?"

Harry chuckled and bent to set Panini down. "They're at Dragon Brew. Bethany said they arrived after you'd already left for the afternoon. May I get you anything? Coffee? Sex? The remnants of a bag of crisps?"

Malfoy pretended to mull it over. "Hm, I would enjoy a cup of coffee. Decaffeinated, if you have it."

"I have herbal tea," Harry offered with a sheepish smile. He went to put the kettle on, turning back in time to see Malfoy scoop Panini off the floor.

"You are a wonderful cat. Never mind what your father says about you."

"Oy!" Harry protested. He continued on into the kitchen and emerged a few moments later with a steaming cup of fragrant tea for Malfoy and a cup of coffee for himself.

"A Pride mug, Potter?" drawled Malfoy, tipping his chin in the direction of Harry's mug. "Where did you get that?"

"The Ministry was handing them out at its annual Pride event."


Harry laughed at the look on Malfoy's face. "I bought it during a Pride event in Muggle London," he said. "Would you like one?"

Malfoy took a sip of tea before responding. "I was wondering if I could source something similar to sell at Dragon Brew."

"Did you come here to talk business or for a jolly good rogering?"

"Neither," Malfoy replied. "I came here to thank you for the gift."

"The best way to thank me would be with a jolly good rogering," Harry pointed out.

"It's late," said Malfoy, bringing his cup to his lips. His eyes sparkled above the rim, however.

"We'll make it a quickie."

Malfoy took another sip before saying, "Very well, Potter. A quickie it is. But, I really must shag and skive. I have to open the coffee shop early as you know."

Harry beamed in delight. He could live with Malfoy skiving off, so long as there was a brilliant shag before that.

Dragon Brew 74

content: humor, content: pet(s), content: dialogue heavy/only, verse: dragon brew, rating: pg13, content: flirting, comm: hp_coffeehouse

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