2022 HPBunintheOven fest fic: Bobble Babble

Mar 21, 2023 17:27

Title: Bobble Babble
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Prompt: # S10: Hot chocolate, warm mittens
Summary: Bobble hats come in all sizes and colors.
Word Count: 915
Rating: PG
Warnings/Contains: Nothing but Fluff
Notes: Many thanks to robinellen for the beta.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

"It really is a beautiful day out, Harry."

It was midwinter, but the sun was shining overhead and making the snow on the ground sparkle. The temperature was just below freezing, although there was no breeze to chill cheeks and noses.

Harry hooked his arm through Draco's and smiled at him. "Aren't you glad I convinced you to come for a walk in the park?" It had taken some coaxing, but they were both going a bit stir crazy, and Harry knew some fresh, albeit cold, air was just what they needed.

"It's certainly refreshing," Draco conceded. "I'm glad I have warm mittens and a cozy bobble hat."

Harry smiled at the bobbing bobble atop Draco's hat. The boy he remembered from Hogwarts wouldn't have been caught dead wearing a hand-knitted hat with a bobble on it, but Draco was more mature now. He'd accepted Molly's gift with heartfelt thanks, and he now proudly wore his knitted hat in cold weather. The hat was a lovely shade of royal blue, and Harry fancied that it brought out blue flecks in Draco's gray eyes.

Harry tipped his head back to look up at the sky, feeling the bobble on his green knitted hat wiggle with the movement. The sky was a glorious shade of blue not often seen in winter. Harry exhaled just to see the puff of his breath coalesce in front of him.

"Firstie," teased Draco.

"Shall I really embarrass you by flopping on the ground to make a snow angel?"

"If you wish to make a spectacle of yourself, go right ahead," said Draco. "Don't expect me to warm you up, however."

"You're my husband; that's one of your duties," Harry countered.

"I don't recall vowing to save you from your own idiocy."

"Are you certain?"


"Very well," said Harry. "I shall strive not to fling myself in the snow."

"A wise decision," said Draco. He tugged on Harry's arm and pointed ahead of them. "Look, someone is selling hot chocolate."

"Are you buying?" asked Harry.

"No, you are," said Draco. He picked up the pace, all but hauling Harry along in his wake.

Harry went along willingly. He'd learned early in their relationship not to get between Draco and chocolate. Once Harry had procured the hot chocolate, making sure Draco's had a blob of squirty cream on top, he led the way to a wooden bench. Harry glanced around to make sure no one was looking before flicking a Warming charm on the bench.

Draco sat down with a grateful sigh and licked the top of his cup of hot chocolate. "Mm, this is divine."

"You haven't even reached the hot chocolate yet," said Harry. He took a cautious sip from his cup. It was hot, but the burst of sweetness over his tongue was worth it.

"I'm enjoying the squirty cream."

"You do seem to be putting that on everything lately," Harry mused.

"Ahem, er, I have a gift for you," said Draco. He handed Harry his cup to hold while he reached into the pocket of his overcoat. Draco brought forth a small, wrapped package, reclaimed his hot chocolate, and pressed the present into Harry's hand.

"It's a tad late for Christmas, isn't it?"

"Give it back if you don't want it."

"Don't be hasty," said Harry. "I never claimed I didn't want it." He handed Draco his cup. "Don't drink--"

Too late.

"--any of it," Harry finished with a disgruntled sigh. Draco merely smirked at him and licked chocolate from his upper lip.

Harry dragged his attention from the flash of his husband's tongue to the gift in his hands. He removed his mittens to unwrap the package. Harry lifted the lid of a plain white box, pushed some tissue aside, and withdrew a small, pink bobble hat.

"Um, I don't think this will fit," he said.

"It's not for you, git."

"Then who...?" Harry's words dried up as he realized that Draco's eyes were suspiciously bright. "Draco," he croaked. Harry cleared his throat and tried again. "Does this mean...are you...?"

"It's for our baby," Draco confirmed with a wobbly smile. "I hope you don't mind that Molly already knows. I didn't tell her, per se, but when I asked her to knit a pink baby hat, I'm sure she guessed, but you know she won't tell--"

Harry ended Draco's nervous babble by kissing him. He didn't stop until hot liquid sloshed across his thigh.

Draco blinked and righted the cups in his hand. "Sorry about that."

"A baby," breathed Harry. "A baby girl? Are you certain?"

"Yes," Draco replied, sounding hesitant. "I hope that's okay."

"Okay? It's fantastic!" Harry exclaimed. "A little girl. We're going to have a little girl!"

"You didn't have your heart set on a son?"

"Draco, all I've ever wanted was a family," said Harry, wrapping an arm around him. "If that turns out to be you and me and one little girl, it will be perfect."

Draco smiled in relief and scooted as close as he could on the bench. "Love you," he mumbled, taking a quick sip of his drink to hide his embarrassment at the sentiment. "Harry?"

"Yes, love?"

"My hot chocolate is no longer hot."

"Shall I fetch you a fresh cup?" Harry offered. He'd fetch the moon if Draco asked it of him. Fortunately, Draco was focused on simpler things.

"Yes, please," he responded. "And would you get me a cup of nothing but squirty cream?"

content: fluff, fest: hpbun pregnancy fest, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, content: fest fic

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