My Line of Work

Jan 10, 2023 18:16

Banner found on Pinterest; will credit artist if I find out who it is

Title: My Line of Work
Author: enchanted_jae
Fandom: Cal Leandros
Author's note: In a perfect world, we would all treat one another with kindness and respect, our pets would live as long as we do, and Niko would never have cut that glorious long blond fall of his hair.
Characters: Cal, Niko, ocs
Rating: R
Warning(s): First person pov (Cal's), language, threats/thoughts of violence, oc entertaining inappropriate thoughts in regards to a minor.
Word count: 840
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Rob Thurman, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 111 - When life isn't going right, go left
ficlet_zone Prompt No. 58 - Angel. I chose: She, Dad, A Hole in the World.
Summary: Cal saves a little girl. Twice.

"A farmer's market?" I asked. Disbelief coated every word. "We're in the middle of New York, Cyrano." More specifically, in the middle of Washington Square Park. "There are no farms here."

"Call it an outdoor market then," Nik responded.

"Are there any food vendors?"

Niko frowned at me. "I imagine there are, yes."

"Great. I'll catch up to you later." I ditched my brother and followed my nose to the food stalls. While waiting in line for a container of greasy fries smothered with fake cheese and bacon bits, I let my attention wander. It landed on a booth selling crappy, feel good signs. I lifted my sunglasses to read some of them.

There was the ubiquitous 'Live Laugh Love'. I snorted. 'Fight Kill Survive' would be more appropriate for my line of work. 'Home is Where the Heart Is'. Boring. 'When Life Isn't Going Right, Go Left'. I didn't even know what the fuck that meant. Before I could see if there was something more Zen for Niko, it was my turn to order.

Shades back in place, I walked away with my artery-clogging goodness in hand. Fries sure beat the rabbit food that Nik liked to eat. I spotted him from a distance but headed in the opposite direction to finish my food before he saw it and decided I needed some sense smacked into me right then and there.

Once I was done, I tossed the carton in the nearest trash bin (wouldn't Nik be proud), licked my fingers, and went in search of my brother. I discovered him fondling vegetables at a stand selling produce. I was wondering if making a joke along those lines would be worth the ass kicking I'd get later when I saw a little dark-haired girl reach for Niko's long blond braid.

I stepped forward and grabbed his right arm just as she grabbed his hair. I felt Niko tense and tightened my grip. "It's just a kid, Cyrano."

Nik relaxed and turned his head to regard the little cherub smiling innocently up at him.

"Your hair is pretty."

"Thank you," Niko said gravely.

"I wish I had hair like yours."

"If you eat your vegetables and go to bed when your mom tells you to, your hair will grow long like mine."

I let go of Nik's arm and stepped back, out of his reach. "Why not encourage her to meditate and eat tofu while you're at it?"

The woman running the stand finally took note of the scene before her. "Melissa! What are you doing? Let go of his hair."

Niko offered the woman a small smile. "She's not hurting me."

Melissa reluctantly released Niko's braid. "Will you be my dad?"

"Melissa!" cried the woman while I coughed to cover a laugh.

Nik, who had been born unflappable, handled the situation smoothly. "I already have a lady friend," he said, "but if she ever breaks my heart I will ask your mother out to dinner, okay?"

"Okay!" Melissa agreed with a happy smile.

As her mother apologized again to Niko, I drifted away in search of something--anything more interesting than vegetables. The scent of lust drew my attention and I zeroed in on the source.

A man was leaning against a tree, one hand hovering over his crotch while he focused on something in the distance. I turned my head.


There was no way of knowing if this asshole intended to act on what he was obviously fantasizing about, but I planned to discourage him in a manner he'd never forget. I'm not as stealthy as Niko is, but the pedophile never noticed me until I stepped into his personal space. My body blocked his view of little Melissa.

"She's mine," I growled. I lowered my shades and let my eyes flare red. "Touch her and I will send you to hell."

I didn't know if there was an actual hell, but I could and would rip a hole in the world and send him to Tumulus, the Auphe version of hell.

The man visibly paled, and the scent of lust was replaced with the stench of urine as he wet himself.

I shoved my sunglasses back into place and grinned at him. I knew my grin was twisted and inhuman. Not unlike me.

The bastard stumbled to the side and fled, running blindly away from me and careening into several people in his way. A quick glance around showed that no one was paying attention to me. Some were looking and pointing along the jerk's flight path. They should have been looking back to see what the asshole was running from. It was a wonder humans had survived long enough to become the dominant species.

I waited until the urge to follow the pedo, hunt him down and put a bullet in his head passed. I forced my shoulders to relax, touched the weapons beneath my jacket, and rejoined Niko.

Just in time for him to hand me a bag of rabbit food to carry.

My Line of Work 2

content: gen fic, comm: ficlet_zone, comm: dove_drabbles, fandom: cal leandros, rating: r

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