Up to Mischief

Oct 30, 2022 16:12

Title: Up to Mischief
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, surprise pairing
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 715
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for madeleone, using the prompts falling leaves, Halloween shenanigans, candlelight
Summary: Two Aurors enter a graveyard on Halloween night...

Harry shivered in the brisk wind and tucked his chin further into his cloak. Draco elbowed him in the ribs.

"Warming charm, Auror Potter."

Draco was Harry's partner in every sense of the word, but it didn't prevent him from jostling Draco back. "We don't want to call attention to ourselves by using magic."

"We've been dispatched to a graveyard on Halloween night to investigate unusual lights," said Draco. "I am certain it's nothing but some young hooligans up to mischief."

"I hope that's all it is," Harry muttered in response. Falling leaves swirled in front of his face, dancing in the wind before coming to rest gently on the ground. Warmth settled over Harry, and he nodded at Draco in thanks.

As they weaved their way through tombstones and past mausoleums, Harry cast a strong Notice-Me-Not charm over them both. He wanted to surprise, and yes scare, any young pranksters they came across. Harry halted when Draco grabbed his arm.

"Up ahead," Draco whispered. "There, do you see?"

Harry stilled and peered into the darkness. Ahead, he saw a small, flickering light. He watched it for a moment to see if it moved or vanished. The light did neither; instead, it was joined by another. Harry's jaw tightened in irritation. "Let's go," he rumbled softly.

They proceeded in the direction of the lights, watching their step so as not to make any noise. As they approached their target, Harry and Draco separated to close in on their quarry from different directions, thus minimizing the chance for escape.

Harry readied his wand and sneaked closer, prepared to lambaste any children he found engaged in Halloween shenanigans. Harry was most definitely not prepared for the sight that met his eyes.

"Minister Shacklebolt!" he gasped.

Kingsley sprang away from the woman he'd been up close and personal with and yanked his trousers up. "Auror Potter, what is the meaning of this?" he blustered.

Harry's mouth worked soundlessly. Draco stepped out of the shadow of a nearby mausoleum. "We were sent here to investigate...Granger?!"

Harry's horrified gaze landed on his friend as she finished smoothing her skirt down. "Hermione?" he squeaked.

"What are you doing here, Harry?" she snapped.

"What am I doing here?" he cried. "What are you doing here?!"

"I should think that would be obvious," Draco drawled.

"Watch your tone, Auror Malfoy," Kingsley said with as much authority as he could muster.

Harry's head was spinning, and the flickering candlelight that provided scant illumination wasn't helping matters. "Will someone tell me what's going on?"

Hermione lifted her chin. "Kingsley, er, that is, the Minister and I came out to the graveyard to pay our respects to those lost in the Battle of Hogwarts."

Draco snorted. "We can see how respectful you were being."

"That is enough," rumbled Kingsley. "Herm...ahem, Miss Granger and I got caught up in the heat of the moment."

Hermione stepped close to him and laid a hand on his arm. "The Kneazle is already out of the bag, Kingsley," she said. Turning to Harry, she added, "Kingsley and I have been dating for weeks now. We were trying to be discreet."

"You call this discreet?!"

"Harry!" snapped Hermione. "It is none of your business. Please leave."

Draco moved to stand next to Harry. "I believe it's a good idea if we all leave," he said. "Someone saw your lit candles and reported it to the DMLE, which is why we're here. We would be remiss in our duty as Aurors if we did not chivvy the vagrants out of the graveyard."

"How would you like another punch in the nose, Malfoy?"

"Enough, Hermione," growled Harry. "You are very much in the wrong here, so don't go around threatening my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend can take care of himself," said Draco.

Harry ignored him as he continued his angry stare-down with Hermione.

Kingsley took Hermione's arm. "Let's go, my dear," he said. Looking at Harry and Draco he added, "We will not speak of this again, Aurors." Kingsley drew his wand and Disapparated with Hermione.

Harry's tight shoulders relaxed. He extinguished the candles and Vanished them. He offered Draco a wry smile. "Well, that was certainly unexpected."

"I agree," said Draco. "Who knew the Minister was hiding such a fine arse under his official robes?"

content: humor, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship

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