Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge # 194: A Little Sweetness

Apr 04, 2022 20:16

April started out with a lovely, sunny day on Friday...which then turned to shit, slush, and snow overnight and into Saturday. Sunday was decent. Today, eh. Welcome to April!

This month's JMDC prompt is a short list of words beginning with the letter P: perform, pivot, practice Use one, two, or all three. You may use variations of any/all, as well. Feel free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, original fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you're able.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until April 30 at 10:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me.

Below is my entry for this month:

Title: A Little Sweetness
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters/Pairing: Draco, Harry
Rating: PG
Word count: 430
Written for:
♦ JMDC No. 194 - perform, pivot, practice
♦ Gift for JMDC No. 193 winner apachefirecat, who wanted something to lighten the mood.
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 102 - Add a little sweetness to your day
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 60 - cup of coffee/tea surrounded by heart-shaped chocolates
Warnings: Pre-slash, suggestion
Summary: What's five more weeks?
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.

Draco only had time for a short break in the midst of his training. He'd never imagined becoming a Healer would be so difficult. Nevertheless, Draco was proud of how far he'd come, especially considering he'd faced more adversity than the other trainees. He suspected that, had it not been for Potter speaking up on his behalf, he would not have been accepted into the program. Draco repaid Potter by consistently out-performing him in the classroom and in St Mungo's whenever they had a chance to put into practice what they'd learned.

Draco entered a coffee shop not far from the Muggle side of the Leaky and slumped into a chair at a two top table. Many of his fellow trainees came here for a jolt of caffeine between classes. Draco sat and stared at the menu without seeing it. He wasn't sure he could muster the energy to go up and place an order. As he was weighing the merits of snoozing right here versus actually taking tea, someone placed a cup in front of him.

The cup contained fragrant jasmine tea, one of Draco's favorites, and there were several heart-shaped chocolates arranged on the saucer around the cup. Draco looked up at the server and blinked.

"I haven't ordered yet."

"It's from that fit bloke in the corner," she said, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. "He said you needed to add a little sweetness to your day." With that, she pivoted and bustled back behind the counter.

Draco turned slowly and peered into the corner. Potter was seated there, and he nodded and raised his own cup.


Draco picked up his cup and went to join his colleague. He sat down and raised one brow. "Looking to pull, Potter?"

"Not yet," Potter replied. "Later, perhaps. I'm too busy for a social life right now." He nicked one of the chocolates off Draco's saucer.

"Welcome to the soul-crushing life of a Healer in training," said Draco. "And quit stealing my chocolates." He took a sip of his tea. "How did you know I like jasmine?"

"The same way I know you like chocolate," Potter replied. "By being observant. I didn't realize they'd be heart-shaped, however. No wonder you thought I was looking to pull."

"Aren't you?"

"Would you?"

Draco opened a fancy chocolate as he considered the question. "I might," he finally admitted.

Potter stilled, and his eyes were unnaturally bright behind his specs. "How many more weeks of training do we have?"


"Hm. Can you wait that long?"

"I've waited this long, haven't I?"


A Little Spice

challenge: jmdc, content: pre-slash, profession: healer(s), content: flirting, comm: hp_coffeehouse, gift: jmdc, rating: pg, comm: dove_drabbles

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