Title: Difficult Destination
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Ryo/Dee
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 230
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Sanami Matoh, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 101 - Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations
ficlet_zone Prompt No. 48 - Fringe episodes. I chose: Alone in the World.
Summary: Ryo has been Dee's destination.
Ryo brought a bite of Kung Pao chicken to his mouth. As he chewed, he couldn't help but notice Dee was staring at him.
"Do I have something on my face?"
Dee blinked. "What? No, ya goof. I was just watchin' you wield those chopsticks. I never did get the hang of them things."
"You could learn." Ryo shrugged.
"I'll stick to my fork," said Dee. "Stick. Fork. Get it?"
Ryo shook his head and leaned back in the booth. "Hand me my fortune cookie, will you?"
Dee did so and took another bite of his Dim Sum.
Ryo cracked the cookie and read from the slip of paper. "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. I guess that's true, isn't it?"
"It was for me," said Dee. "You sure made things more difficult'n they had to be in the beginning."
"I think this refers to life's journey, horndog, not your relentless stalking."
"Hey, that wasn't stalkin'!" Dee protested.
Ryo laughed at his outraged face. "Not quite stalking," he amended. "I am glad you were persistent. I was all alone in the world until I met you. I mean, sure I have my aunt and uncle and now Bikky, but no one of my own."
Dee grinned and offered up an exaggerated leer. "And now you'll never get rid of me, babe."
"Not without a restraining order, I suppose."
"Wait. What?"