Title: Someone New 285
Fandom: Harry Potter
enchanted_jaeCharacters/Pairing: Harry, Ron, Draco
Rating: PG
Written for:
drabble_weekly Prompt No. 285 - catch
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
Summary: Draco has what Harry wants.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Harry smirked at Draco. "I am considered quite a catch, you know."
"Is the Minister trying to pull you?" asked Draco.
"i'm leaving," muttered Ron, disappearing from Harry's doorway.
Draco stepped into the vacated space. "I hadn't realized how easy it was to get rid of Weasley."
"Now that you're here," said Harry, "do you want to close the door and snog like teens?"
"Won't the Minister be jealous?"
"Forget about the Minister," sighed Harry. "You have what I want."
Draco gestured at Harry's bouquet. "It's obvious the Minister's secretary isn't efficient if you're just now getting flowers."
Someone New 286