Dragon Brew 56

Dec 29, 2021 20:48

Title: Dragon Brew 56
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 830
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 56 - Amnesty (use any prior prompts). I chose Coffee drinkers tend to live longer
hd_fluff Prompt No. 173:

Summary: Harry's boring evening has just become more exciting.

Harry was feeling hard done by. He was randy and bored and lonely and randy. He'd spent last night attempting to break Malfoy's bed, but tonight he had been forsaken in favor of a stag party. For Gregory Goyle.

Harry heaved a dispirited sigh and leaned forward, setting his mug of tea on the low table in front of his sofa. Harry glared at the mug. It was boring--plain red with no adornment. He flicked his fingers at it, turning it green. That was better, but not good enough. Another flick of his fingers added script to the mug: I ♥ Draco Malfoy.

Harry smiled and changed the script to I shagged Draco Malfoy. His smile turned to a satisfied smirk.


Harry glanced down at his inquisitive kitten. He patted his lap. "It's just you and me tonight, Panini. We may as well commiserate." Panini launched himself onto Harry's lap, kneading and purring. Harry winced and pushed the kitten's rump down, hoping he would lie down and behave.

The hearth of Harry's fireplace lit up, and his heart jumped in excitement. When Hermione's face appeared in the flames, Harry had to quell his disappointment.

"Harry, may I come through?"

"Of course, Hermione," he responded automatically.

The fireplace enlarged, and Hermione stepped out smartly. She was wearing the pink hoodie Harry had purchased for her at Dragon Brew, the one with Coffee drinkers tend to live longer on it.

"Would you like some tea?" asked Harry. "I've a fresh kettle on."

Hermione's eyes were drawn to his mug. "May I have mine in a plain mug?"

Harry gave an apologetic half-shrug, stood and handed Panini to Hermione, and wandered to the kitchen to get his guest a cup of tea.

"Is Malfoy selling these at his coffee shop now?" Hermione's voice followed Harry.

"Good Godric, I hope not," he called back. "Although it would be hilarious to get one for Ron." Harry heard Hermione giggle before she began cooing to Panini.

"Aren't you just the most precious kitty? Yes, you are."

Mew! Panini agreed.

Harry returned with a plain red mug of tea for Hermione, along with a bowl of brown sugar cubes and some biscuits that Molly had made for him. He set everything on the coffee table and sat back down.

"What brings you here?" he asked. "Are you trying to get me in trouble with Ron again?"

"He's working this evening," said Hermione. "I came to see if you would put in an appearance at the fundraiser that the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare will be holding."


"Harry!" cried Hermione, smacking his leg with the back of her hand.

He laughed and reached out to tug one of her unruly curls. "I'm busy that night, sorry."

"I haven't told you when it is, you git."

Harry chuckled at her frown. "I'm having you on," he said. "I'd be delighted to attend. When is it?"

Hermione named the date, time, and place. "And yes, you may bring a guest."

"Splendid," said Harry. "I hear Lucille Lutzenkirchen, from your department, is looking to pull."

Hermione gaped at him. "I thought you'd invite Malfoy."

"Draco Malfoy?! Hm, now there's an idea..." Harry laughed again when Hermione swatted him once more. "I'll ask him, of course, but he's...elusive."

"If he was easy, you'd have lost interest," said Hermione. She set Panini down and reached for her tea.

Her comment stung, even though Harry knew she didn't intend it to. "I've been attracted to Malfoy for years, you know that," he said. "If he'd put out the first time I stepped into Dragon Brew, I still would have been coming back for more."

"I didn't mean it like that, Harry," Hermione said quickly. "I meant that he's never thrown himself at you, unlike other people have. That's what would have driven you away."

Harry mulled her words over as he sipped his tea. She did have the right of it. Far too many people were only interested in his fame or fortune, but Malfoy had never been impressed with either. Harry finally spoke up. "You know, I will ask him to join me."

Hermione smiled, but before she could speak, Harry's Floo chimed again.

"Harry!" cried Ron, sticking his head through the flames. "There's trouble at the Crow and Boa, and...bloody hell, is that my wife in your lounge?!"

"Yes, Ron," drawled Harry. "We are having a fully-clothed, socially distanced affair over tea."

"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione snapped. "Harry is my friend, too, and I stopped to invite him--"

"No time for that," Ron interrupted. "Harry, you may wish to come by the pub."

"I'm off duty tonight, Ron. I'm sure you and another Auror or two can handle a disturbance at the...what was the name of the place?"

"The Crow and Boa," replied Ron. "I thought you may like to come, because Goyle's stag is here, and Draco Malfoy is right in the thick of things."

Dragon Brew 57

content: golden trio, verse: dragon brew, rating: pg13, profession: auror(s), comm: hp_coffeehouse, content: pet(s), content: fluff, content: humor, comm: hd_fluff

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