Sinful Sensation

Nov 28, 2021 16:33

Title: Sinful Sensation
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco, ocs
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1030
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for xchubbycheeks, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Draco takes control.

"I thought you weren't hungry."

Draco swallowed the delectable bite of salmon before he replied. "It seems that sex works up an appetite."

"If that is true, it's a wonder you're not the size of an average Erumpent."

"There is nothing average about me," Draco said with a scowl. "And, I burn off the calories having sex."

Zee laughed at his display of temper. "I can't argue with that."

From there, conversation flowed easily as they finished their meal. Zee asked about Todd the Troll, while Draco questioned his lover about the fake Cinderella. He was amused to note that each of them seemed somewhat jealous and possessive. Amusing, because it wasn't as if they were in a relationship. They'd agreed to be mutually exclusive within the Club, but Draco had no idea what, or whom, Zee did away from Club Coquette.

He had no business wondering. Beyond the environs of the club, there was no Zee and Cinderella. Appetite suddenly gone, Draco set his fork aside and took a quick drink of wine.

"Is something wrong?"

Zee had picked up on his change of mood, and wasn't that a laugh? This man could read Draco better than his friends could, and yet there was nothing between them but exceptional sex and casual conversation. Why couldn't he meet someone like Zee outside of Club Coquette?

Draco shook his head in response to Zee's question. "I need to watch what I eat. I don't want to end up the size of an Erumpent."

Zee grinned, his white teeth flashing beneath his mask. "I will make certain you get enough exercise to burn through whatever you may eat here."

Draco pushed his maudlin thoughts away to concentrate on the here and now. "Oh? What did you have in mind?"

Zee pushed his plate back and appeared to give the matter some thought. "We could take a stroll through the grounds and see if inspiration strikes us."

"Mm, I like that suggestion," said Draco. Indeed, observing other guests engaged in all manner of carnal activity was incredibly inspiring...and arousing. Draco was getting hard just thinking about it.

As one, they stood up and exited the gazebo. Hand in hand, they began walking back in the direction of the club. "Where would you like to go?" asked Zee. "The gardens, the theater--"

"The gardens," Draco replied. It was where he'd first encountered Zee, and the gardens never failed to inspire him.

They reached the gardens and meandered along the paths, pausing now and again to observe other guests. One woman was on her knees, head buried beneath another woman's skirt. Draco nudged Zee.

"Had you worn your skirt this evening, I would have been happy to perform that service for you."

They walked on, passing other couples, trios, and larger groups. Draco stopped when a pair of familiar gladiators caught his eye. They were shagging two young blokes, their muscles straining with effort. Draco's breath caught.

"Would you like me to dress as a gladiator for you some evening?"

"Would you?"

"If it would please you, yes," said Zee. "Anything for you, Cinderella."

"Let's go back to your suite," Draco urged. He was utterly aching for Zee, but he wanted him all to himself.

They made haste to the wing of the club that contained suites. Some were available for any patron to use, while others, like Zee's, were private. Draco waited impatiently for the lift to stop on the uppermost floor, then all but dragged Zee out of it when the doors opened. Once inside Zee's suite, Draco pushed his lover against the door and attacked Zee's throat with lips and teeth.

"I love it when you...ah, yes! When you assert yourself, Cinderella."

"Want to ride you," Draco mumbled against Zee's skin. He stepped back reluctantly and removed his boots. Draco skimmed out of his leather trousers, sighing in relief when his aching cock was freed from confinement.

Zee toed off his boots, unzipped and dropped onto the sofa. He located a bottle of lube on the side table and slicked his cock. Draco straddled him.

"What about your shirt?" teased Zee, fingering the fine material.

"Too many buttons," said Draco. He rose to his knees, reached back to position Zee's cock, and sank down on him. "Oh," he gasped, giving a little wiggle.

Zee arched up, driving in deeper. "Sorry," he muttered, settling back down again. "It's hard to be still when you're...ah...doing that."

"No topping from below," said Draco. "It's my turn to be in charge." With that, he took charge, raising and lowering himself, setting a pace that was to his liking. When Zee tried to speed things up, Draco halt all motion until his lover subsided once more. Draco was enjoying being the one in control. When Zee allowed it, he was responsive and sexy as hell.

Warm hands caressed Draco's hips and kneaded his buttocks. Draco leaned forward, braced a hand on the arm of the sofa, and grasped his cock with the other. He jerked himself with rough motions, glorying in the almost sinful sensation of being impaled on his lover's cock while rubbing one out. Draco didn't last long after that. He threw his head back and groaned as he decorated Zee's shirt with creamy stripes.

Draco wilted.

"Don't stop," growled Zee, tightening his grip on Draco's hips.

Draco resumed his movements, a little less energetically than before, but with no less determination. He wanted to please his lover. This time, when Zee thrust up in demand, Draco allowed it. In moments, Zee was pulsing inside of him with a lusty moan of his own.

Draco slumped on top of him, burying his face in Zee's neck. He yawned. Draco's eyes popped open when Zee gave him a light swat on the arse.

"Planning to fall asleep on me, are you?"

"Mm, I could."

"Let's repair to the bedroom, Cinderella," said Zee, giving Draco's shoulder a nudge.

As the bedroom sounded like a fantastic place to be, Draco didn't argue. He sat up, uncoupled them, and stood on wobbling legs. "Shower first?" he asked.

"Shower first," said Zee. "I'll turn the bed down for you."

Naughty Nymph

content: leather, content: sofa sex, verse: club coquette, rating: nc17, content: bottoming from the top, content: voyeurism, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex

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