HPHalloween ficlet: Beautiful Keening

Nov 15, 2021 20:03

Title: Beautiful Keening
Author: enchanted_jae
Gift for: treewishes
Pairing: Pansy/Luna
Rating: PG13
Word count: 200
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Pansy is bemused by Luna.
Notes: Many thanks to josephinestone for looking this one over.

Pansy hadn't wanted to return to Hogwarts to complete her truncated seventh year, but here she was. It wasn't as bad as she'd feared. However, walking through the Forbidden Forest in the gloaming of All Hallows Eve in search of foxglove left much to be desired. Worse, Slughorn had paired her with Lovegood. Never mind the girl's ethereal beauty, her relentless cheer was exhausting.

An eerie, mournful wail echoed through the trees, raising the hair on Pansy's nape. "What was that?"

Lovegood looked up, her eyes calmly searching the shadowed tops of the trees. "It sounds like a bean sidhe."

"A banshee?" Pansy tensed with dread. "Aren't they harbingers of doom?"

"They cry because they're lonely--like you."

Pansy was distracted from thoughts of banshees. "I'm not lonely."

"It's okay, Pansy," said Lovegood, an enigmatic smile gracing her face. "Everyone gets lonely sometimes. I'm here for you if you need me."

One side of Pansy's mouth quirked. "You won't provide what I need--"

She was interrupted by the gentle press of Lovegood's lips. Lovegood stepped back and grinned. "Give me a chance, Pansy," she said. "I can teach you to drown out the bean sidhe with your own beautiful keening."

comm: hp_halloween, content: femmeslash, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, content: eighth year

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