Degenerate Demand

Sep 19, 2021 16:25

Title: Degenerate Demand
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco, Narcissa, Neville, ocs
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1385
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for lijahlover, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Draco gets what's coming to him.

Draco slept late the following morning, much to his mother's disapproval. He bore her silent criticism stoically, but he knew he had some making up to do. Thus it was he found himself accompanying his mum to a stodgy soiree that evening, when he'd rather have been doing dodgy things at Club Coquette.

Draco listlessly held a glass of wine and stifled a yawn. His mother sidled up to him and murmured, "Mr and Mrs Trowbridge are in attendance, along with their son Todd."

Draco felt his lip start to curl, and he had to quickly school his expression to something more socially acceptable. However, the sooner his mum learned the truth, the better.

"Ted is dull as dishwater, and I've no interest in him."

His mother's lips thinned. "Todd comes from a good family, a pureblood family. You could do worse, Draco."

Draco took a quick sip of wine to hide his smirk. He had done worse, much much worse. If his mother knew, she would surely disown him. A familiar, dark-haired bloke caught Draco's eye.

"What is Longbottom doing here?"

His mum turned to look. "He's seeing one of the Greengrass daughters," she said. "I can't recall which one."

"They allow their daughter to be courted by a Gryffindor?"

"Mr Longbottom would be a better catch than Mr Trowbridge, Draco. Not only is he a pureblood, he's also a war hero. It's a shame he doesn't share your...proclivities."

Draco turned to frown at his mother, but she wasn't looking at him. She was still intent on Longbottom. "Rumor has it one of the Weasley sons shares my...proclivities."

"Do not jest, Draco. Your father would rise from his grave and smite you."

"I am allowed, then, to spend time with a Gryffindor, so long as he's not a ginger?"

That got his mother's attention. "Not a ginger, a Weasley. Your father was always jealous of Arthur."

"Oh? Why?"

"Because I fancied him in our youth."

Draco nearly dropped his wine glass. His jaw did drop. His mother gave him a faint smirk and sailed away, chin held high, as she bore down on the Greengrasses. Draco knocked his wine back in two quick gulps. He set the glass on the tray of a passing elf and made haste for the Floo. He had to get out of here.

Eschewing his usual skirt and corset, Draco opted for his black leather trousers and black silk shirt instead to go clubbing in. If anything, he was groped more times on his way through the lobby of Club Coquette than when he wore a short skirt. Draco evaded the grabby hands and pushed through the French doors and into the garden. A black carriage with a gray gelding in the traces was waiting there.

"Cinderella?" the driver asked, looking dubious.

"I've been called that," Draco admitted.

"I'm to take Cinderella to meet Prince Charming," the driver intoned. "Jest so's you know, another bloke claiming to be Cinderella earlier has been banned from the club. I don't need t'go through that again."

"Prince Charming threatened you, did he?" Draco asked, grinning a little as he opened the carriage door and stepped up.

"Aye, that he did, an' he's got a temper on 'im, too." The driver clucked to his horse and flicked the reins, and the carriage lurched into motion.

Draco was glad he'd skived off early. Who knew how many other Cinderella-wannabes were itching to take his place. It made him want to put a stamp of ownership on Zee. The carriage delivered him to a small, screened gazebo at the bottom of the garden. A lively spring burbled nearby. Draco could hear it, even though he couldn't see it.

"Louis, if you've brought me another ringer, I shall sack you."

"And glad I'll be for the respite, sir."

Draco alit from the carriage. "Shame on you," he scolded. "Is that any way for Prince Charming to be?"

"Ah, well done, Louis," drawled Zee, stepping out of the shadows of the gazebo. "You may keep your job another night."

"Thank you, sir. That's most kind of ye, sir. Much obliged, sir."

"Louis, you are testing my patience."

The driver laughed and touched his cap before urging the gelding into motion once again. That small exchange let Draco know that Zee was not serious about sacking old Louis for being fooled by an impostor.

Draco braced his feet apart and crossed his arms. "It seems I have some competition for your favor."

"Louis?" mused Zee. "I doubt I could keep up with his insatiable sexual appetite."

"What?! Ugh! You've just put me off of sex for a week."

Zee laughed out loud. "Old Louis is married with a passel of children and grandchildren," he said. "He only works here because I...because the club pays him well. As for the first Cinderella he delivered, that one has been banned from the club for life."

"You do have some pull, don't you?" murmured Draco.

"Yes. Have you had dinner?"

"I had some wine and nibbles at a deadly dull soiree."

"Was Todd the Troll in attendance?"

"Yes." Draco huffed. "I fear my mother is angling to marry me off."

"You would make an excellent trophy husband," said Zee, gesturing for Draco to enter the gazebo.

Inside was a table set for two. Several lit candles provided illumination, while the waxing moon added a silvery light of its own. It was romantic, but Draco wasn't in the mood for romance. He turned and looped his arms around Zee's neck.

"I'm not hungry for food at the moment," he whispered, rubbing the front of his body against his lover.

"You are a naughty minx, Cinderella. I am famished, but I can see I must sate your sexual appetite before I can take care of my own appetite for food."

"My heart weeps for you."

Draco got a stinging swat on his leather-clad backside for his cheek. It served only to whet his appetite. He stepped away from Zee, lowered his zip, and pushed his leather trousers down to mid-thigh. Draco then pivoted to face one of the built-in benches and bent over, bracing his palms on the smooth wood and jutting his arse out in a degenerate demand.

He received another slap on the arse, but as it was followed by the sound of Zee's zip rasping down, Draco didn't care. He felt Zee place one palm on the small of his back and then his lover was gently twisting the plug Draco had inserted at home. It popped free, and Zee chuckled.

"Pink. I approve. It will be a nice addition to my collection." The plug was tossed, with care, onto the bench.

Draco paid it no mind. He was focused on the hands that now gripped his hips while thumbs parted his arse cheeks. Zee replaced the plug with something larger, hotter, and...oh fuck yes...firmer. Draco moaned and dipped his back, raising his arse in supplication.

Zee didn't need any verbal encouragement, not when Draco's actions spoke much louder than any words. He put his back into fucking Draco, fast and hard, just as he liked it. Draco spurred him on with throaty moans and desperate whimpers, all while stroking his own prick to hurry things along.

A hand pushed Draco's away. "Mine," Zee growled, sending a delicious shiver up Draco's backbone. Zee's hand wrapped around his cock and took over, stroking Draco up and down and adding a squeeze now and then. Draco's mouth fell open, allowing embarrassing little panting cries to fall from his lips. Zee thrust in and gave both of their cocks a twist, propelling Draco into a wailing orgasm. They seemed isolated here, but he didn't care if anyone in the vicinity heard him. Sex with Zee was turning Draco into a shameless deviant.

He would have slumped forward were it not for Zee's hands on his hips, keeping him in place as he sought his own relief. Moments later, Draco felt the results of Zee's pleasure, leaving him sticky and sore when his lover withdrew. Zee swept a freshening charm over them both, and Draco straightened, grimacing as he rubbed his back.

"You got what you deserve, you slag," Zee observed mildly.

Draco's grimace morphed into a satisfied smirk. "Yeah," he agreed smugly. "I did."

Sinful Sensation

content: leather, verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, content: outdoor sex, content: partially clothed sex, content: club fic, rating: nc17

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