Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge No. 183: Pixie Promise

May 03, 2021 20:21

May came in very windy, and today we had rain. That's good though; we've been in need of rain!

This month's JMDC prompt is a short list of words: beneath, bouquet, brilliant. Use one, some, or all. Feel free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, original fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you're able.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until May 31 at 10:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me.

Below is my entry for this month:

Title: Pixie Promise
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Neville/Charlie
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ JMDC No. 183 - beneath, bouquet, brilliant
♦ Gift for JMDC No. 182 winner digthewriter, who requested Neville/Charlie, hug
neville100 Prompt No. 459 - Unbreakable Vow.
liquidluckdrabble Prompt No. 7 - pixies
Summary: Thinking outside the pixie box

Charlie was astonished when Neville slammed into the house, muttering beneath his breath. His boyfriend was normally the most even-tempered person Charlie knew.

"Problems, love?"

Neville heaved a sigh. "I promised Romilda there would be pixies in the bouquets for her wedding, but the little blighters won't stay put!"

"So skip the pixies," said Charlie.

"But, I promised!"

"A promise is not an Unbreakable Vow," Charlie assured him. "Aside from that, did you promise her live pixies? Why not use figurines instead?"

Neville lunged forward and swept Charlie up in a hug. "That's brilliant. No wonder I keep you around."

challenge: jmdc, pairing: charlie/neville, comm: neville100, content: dialogue heavy/only, content: rarepair, content: established relationship, length: 100 word drabble, gift: jmdc, rating: pg, comm: liquidluckdrabble

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