Someone New 240

Apr 30, 2021 19:23

Title: Someone New 240
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Written for: drabble_weekly Prompt No. 240 - Amnesty 24. I chose the following prompts: whisper, trouble in mind, hungry, more, the state i'm in, need, grope, eyes, just getting started, arch
Warnings: Strong suggestion
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
Summary: Harry accepts Draco's challenge and raises the stakes.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.

Harry quickly got into the spirit of Draco's ambush snog. He closed his eyes and parted his lips, resenting the table that prevented him from getting in a grope or two.

Draco broke the kiss to breathe, leaving Harry hungry for more. His need for Draco was maddening. "Let's go to bed," said Harry, his voice a rough whisper.

Draco responded with an arch of a brow. "It seems you have trouble in mind."

"Given the state I'm in, I have one thing in mind," growled Harry. "Don't you dare stop now."

Draco smirked at him. "I'm just getting started."

Someone New 241

comm: drabble_weekly/drabble_zone, content: ust, rating: pg13, verse: someone new, content: foreplay, length: 100 word drabble

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