Title: Fresh Part of my
Rufus verse, but can easily be read alone.
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 335
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hd_fluff Prompt No. 170 - umbrellas and raindrops
liquidluckdrabble Prompt No. 5 - pretending to be asleep
Summary: A walk in the fresh, Spring air.
"Take your dog outside."
Harry looked at Draco, then out the window where he could see it was raining. Finally, he glanced at Rufus, who was snoozing at one end of the sofa.
"He's asleep," said Harry.
"He's only pretending to be asleep," Draco insisted.
Rufus responded with a soft snore.
Harry glowered at Draco. "If you're so adamant that he needs a walk, you take him out in this weather." Harry didn't realize he'd said the magic word until Rufus lifted his head at the mention of a walk. He shook himself and hopped off the sofa, prancing up to Harry with his tongue lolling out.
"See? He needs to go out," said Draco.
Harry wasn't going alone. "We'll both take him out," he said. "The fresh air will do all of us good."
"I don't want to go out in the rain!"
"Grab a brolly and your Wellies; you won't melt."
They glared at one another for a long moment before Draco surrendered. "Fine!" he snapped. "When I catch my death, be sure to tell Mum it was all your fault!"
Harry drew in a deep breath. The gentle rain seemed to have cleansed everything from the pavement to the air itself. Raindrops pattered gently on his umbrella, and even Draco appeared to be enjoying himself. Rufus, of course, delighted in any excursion outdoors, especially when accompanied by both of his fathers.
Harry bumped Draco with his elbow. "Are you smiling?"
"Liar, I saw your lips curve up."
"It was a grimace."
"Blokes who tell fibs get pushed into mud puddles."
"Try it and die, Potter."
Harry laughed and stopped when Rufus did. "It's a wonderful Spring day," he said. "It's barely raining, and things are starting to green up and bloom. It all smells so fresh and tremendous."
It appeared as if Draco might agree, when he paused and sniffed. He grimaced for real and looked down at Rufus. "That does not smell fresh and tremendous, and you can clean it up."