Title: Arousing Game of Chess 2
enchanted_jaeCharacters/Pairing: Neville, Charlie
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Written for:
neville100 Prompt No. 452 - Sweets
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Neville arrives with a host gift.
Neville made his way down the hillside to Hagrid's old hut, where Professor Weasley currently stayed. He had agreed to meet Charlie for a chess match while most of their students were at Hogsmeade.
Neville was clutching a box of chocolates from Honeydukes; he shifted it to his left hand and knocked politely. When Charlie opened the door, Neville handed him the box.
"Are you trying to distract me with sweets?" teased Charlie.
"It's good manners to bring a host gift," Neville replied. "However, if you find the candy distracting, I might have a chance to beat you at chess."