Completions and Connections

Dec 14, 2020 21:35

Banner by the delightful

Title: Completions and Connections
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, Narcissa, Molly, Slytherins, ocs
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 1970
Summary: Harry and Carolyn deliver cookies, and Harry and Draco attend the Notts' party.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hd_fluff Prompt No. 168 - white elephant
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 14 - Frosty Night for badly_knitted
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2020 No. 14 - Spiked Eggnog
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 14 - Chistmas donkey
slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry Early Bird No 14:

Harry clasped his hands behind his back and addressed the assemblage. "Okay, minions, Draco had to go to work this morning, so it's up to us to deliver the holiday goodies. Any questions?"

Carolyn raised her hand. "What's a minion, Mister Harry?"

"Er, well, it's like army troops," Harry improvised. "We're a small army of Potter-Malfoys, yeah?"

Carolyn giggled, and Jasmin babbled and kicked her legs. Benjamin remained silent, but at least he hadn't deserted the Potter-Malfoy Army.

"Our first stop of the day will be the orphanage."

Ben burst into tears.

Harry lunged forward to kneel in front of his son. "Ben, whatever is the matter?"

"You're t-taking us b-back," he hiccuped through his tears. "Now Jasmin won't have a n-nice house to l-live in!"

Tears welled in Harry's eyes, and he carefully enfolded Benjamin in a hug and patted his back. "Ben, I'm not going to leave you there," he soothed. "We're just going to deliver the biscuits we baked yesterday. I know you weren't at the orphanage very long, but Carolyn can tell you that Draco and I delivered biscuits each year."

"That's right, Ben," said Carolyn, adding her own arms to the Potter-Malfoy group hug. "Mister Harry won't leave us there."

Ben sniffled and scrubbed at his eyes.

"Would you rather go stay with Mrs Malfoy?" asked Harry. "We'll deliver biscuits to her, too, and then you and Carolyn and Jasmin will stay with her this evening while Draco and I go to a boring adult dinner. But, I'm sure she would enjoy it if you came early. Will that be okay?"

Ben nodded, and Harry patted his head. "Let me just go firecall Mrs Malfoy."


As Harry had anticipated, Narcissa was delighted to have Benjamin and Jasmin all to herself for the day. Harry made sure Carolyn was snugly fastened into her new winter coat, then took her hand and used the Floo to travel to the orphanage.

A few children milling about in the common area called out cheerful hellos, and some of Carolyn's friends rushed to greet her with hugs. Harry left her playing with them while he took the biscuit tins to Mrs Winkel in the kitchen.

"Here you are, Mrs Schminkey-Winkel," he teased, handing her the tins. "Ben and Carolyn assisted the baking efforts this year, while Jasmin supervised from her basket."

"Did you bring the children with you?" she asked. "I'd love to see them."

"Carolyn accompanied me," Harry replied. "Ben was afraid I meant to abandon them here, so he and Jasmin are staying with Draco's mum."

"Oh, the poor dear," tutted Mrs Winkel.

Carolyn raced into the kitchen and threw herself at the Headmistress. "Mrs Winkel!" she cried, hugging the woman's legs.

"Oh my dear, I've missed you," said Mrs Winkel. "Have you been behaving for Mr and Mr Potter-Malfoy?"

"Yes, and me and Ben helped make the biscuits!"

"That's wonderful," praised Mrs Winkel. "I am so proud of you. Now, you be sure to write to me now and then, okay?"

"Okay, Mrs Winkel!"

"We need to be off," said Harry. "We have more goodies to deliver."

"Thank you for your donation, Mr Potter-Malfoy," Mrs Winkel said. "By the way, we received several tins of Madam Puddifoot's scones. I presume you were behind that?"

Harry nodded. "It's amazing how congenial she was after the Minister had tea in her shop."

"Mister Harry invited him," said Carolyn. "He said he was going to use the meeting to his adventure."

Harry felt a flush creep over his face. He glanced at Mrs Winkel, only to see her hiding a smile.

"Little pitchers, Mr Potter-Malfoy."

"I'll keep that in mind, Mrs Schminkey-Winkel," he said. "Come along, Carolyn. Our next stop is the Burrow."


Harry may as well have been under his Invisibility Cloak for all the attention Molly paid him. She practically pushed him aside in her rush to greet Carolyn.

"Why, just look at you!" Molly exclaimed, taking Carolyn's hands in her own and looking her over from head to toe. "We are so happy to have you in the family."

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," Carolyn responded, giving her a small curtsy.

Molly clutched her bosom and cooed at Carolyn's manners. "Where are the other children?" she asked.

"Ben and Jasmin are with Narcissa," Harry replied.

"Ben was scared," Carolyn added.

Molly glanced at Harry.

"He was afraid I meant to leave them behind at the orphanage," Harry told her.

"Oh, bless his heart!" said Molly. "I am sorry to miss them today, but you'll bring them for Christmas."

It was more an order than a question, but Harry simply smiled. "We're looking forward to spending Christmas here."

"Thank you for the biscuits," said Molly. "I have some things for you." She crossed to the cupboards, stretched up on her toes, and retrieved a round tin. "Here's a fruitcake for you, dear."

"Fruitcake?!" cried Carolyn. "I love fruitcake!"

It was at that moment that Harry's visions of a perfect minion were shattered. Aside from that, he and Draco couldn't give the fruitcake to Greg Goyle if Carolyn was set on having it.

"Molly, would you happen to have any extra fruitcake?" Harry asked. "Our friend, Gregory Goyle, loves it, too, and his birthday is New Year's Day."

"Of course, I have extra!" Molly replied. "Let me just get you another tin. Oh, Carolyn, would you go to the lounge and get the gift wrapped in silver paper from under the tree? It's for Mrs Malfoy, and I would appreciate it if you delivered it to her."

"Okay, Mrs Weasley!"

As soon as Carolyn skipped out of the kitchen, Molly lowered her voice. "Harry, I am afraid I won't have time to knit three jumpers on such short notice."

"I understand, Molly," said Harry, even though he was disappointed.

"I've dug around upstairs and found some old jumpers that belonged to Charlie and Bill, and I'll spruce those up for the older children, if that's okay?"

"That will be fantastic," Harry said with a bright smile. Crises averted.

"I'm already working on a jumper for Jasmin, and I'm sorry I couldn't-"

Harry stepped forward and enfolded Molly in a hug. "It's fine," he said. "You're a marvel; no one expects you to work miracles."

Molly stepped back and swatted him with the back of her hand. "Let me just get that other fruitcake for you."

"Is this the one, Mrs Weasley?" asked Carolyn, holding the silver package aloft.

"That's the one, Miss Carolyn," Molly replied. "You be sure to give that to Mrs Malfoy for me."


Harry and Carolyn stepped out of the Floo in Narcissa's rose parlor. A house-elf popped in and directed them to the lounge, where Narcissa sat on the sofa, a sleeping Jasmin in her arms. Ben sat beside her, reading aloud from a children's book. Narcissa held her finger to her lips, and Carolyn smiled and nodded.

She sat on Ben's other side and said, "See, Ben? Mister Harry didn't leave me at the orphanage. Oh, this gift is for you, Mrs Malfoy. It's from Mrs Weasley."

"Why don't you and Benjamin open it for me?" suggested Narcissa.

The children were happy to comply, tearing open the paper and lifting the lid on the box. Inside was a lovely lap robe in shades of cream and lavender.

"Ooh, it's so pretty," breathed Carolyn. "Did Mrs Weasley make it?"

"She did," Harry confirmed.

"Mrs Weasley makes beautiful things," said Narcissa. "Carolyn, why don't you take your coat off, and you may read the next book."

"Okay, Mrs Malfoy."

"Harry, you and Draco enjoy yourselves at the Notts' party this evening," Narcissa said to him. "Mind you stay out of the spiked eggnog. You have children to consider now."

"We'll try not to stay out too late," Harry assured her. "Thank you for agreeing to keep the children for awhile. Ben, Carolyn, you behave yourselves. Jasmin, you're in charge."

"She can't be in charge, Mister Harry," said Carolyn. "She's just a baby."

"Oh, that's right," Harry said, smacking his forehead. "Mrs Malfoy, you'll have to be in charge."

"I believe I can manage, Harry, thank you."


"Which of these ties, do you think?" asked Draco, holding up two festive ties.

"Don't you dare get dressed until we've had some screaming-down-the-walls sex," Harry warned, voice gruff and eyes hot as he stalked his husband.

Draco's eyes widened. "Harry, we don't have ti-ime!"


They Apparated to the walk in front of Theo and Daphne's house. It was a cold, clear, frosty night, and Harry shivered and clapped his gloved hands together. "Their decorations are beautiful," he said, indicating the lighted tree and huge, ornamental spheres scattered across the front lawn.

"Theodore has always been a showman," Draco opined.

They were welcomed into the Slytherin fray. Many of the others offered congratulations on the recent additions to their family, and Harry proudly produced some photos he'd taken with an old camera. He and Draco mingled and visited with the other guests.

Harry struck up a conversation with Justin to compare notes on babies. "Jasmin and Floyd are about the same age, I reckon."

Justin chuckled and shook his head. "That means Julius and Jasmin will go to Hogwarts together."

"Maybe they'll fall in love and get married," said Harry. "Jasmin and Julius--the J's!"

"That's putting the bristles before the broom," said Justin. He was grinning, however.

"I can see it now," said Harry, warming to his matchmaking. "Jasmin and Julius Taylor-Potter-Malfoy-Finch-Fletchley-Flint!"

"Merlin's beard, Harry," chided Draco, coming up to wrap an arm around Harry's waist. "How much spiked eggnog have you had?"

"Your mother said we weren't allowed to imbibe," said Harry, looking pointedly at Draco's glass of nog.

"You didn't tell me that," said Draco.

"That's because I was busy getting reacquainted with your-"

"Oh look!" Draco interjected. "There's Blaise and Pansy!" He escaped before Harry could embarrass him any further.

Later, Theo and Daphne had the guests gather around to participate in the white dragon exchange, which was their version of a Muggle white elephant. Harry had managed to beg a third fruitcake off of Molly, which was his contribution. He had no idea what Draco put in. Each guest drew a number and received the corresponding gift.

Harry opened his present and frowned. "Who put an ass in the exchange?"

"It's a Christmas donkey," Blaise informed him from across the room.

Harry laughed. "I'll put it on the mantel next to the nutcracker."

"No, you won't," Draco said. "It's hideous."

"The nutcracker or the donkey?" teased Harry.

"Both of them!" Draco grumbled. He opened his gift. "Bloody hell, Harry. Isn't this the horrid mug you got rid of last year?"

Harry glanced over, and sure enough, Draco had gotten the Bad Eggnog mug that Harry had been pleased to fob off on someone else the year before.

"Oy, Millie!" cried Greg. "I liked that mug!"

"It's horrid," Millicent pronounced. She opened her gift and shook out a pair of black silk pants. "Property of Theo - Not?"

"Oy, those are my pants!" cried Harry. He turned to glare at his husband. "How could you?!"

While most of the guests laughed uproariously, Harry and Theo berated Draco, and Greg continued to complain to his wife. Daphne stepped up to settle things. She snatched the mug from Draco, handed it to Millie and relieved her of the pants. "You give that mug back to your husband," she told Millicent. "And you," Daphne said, rounding on Draco, "let your husband enjoy his pants." With that, she tossed them Harry's way. He caught them with a Seeker's finesse.

Once most of the din died down, Draco refused to relinquish his sulk. "This means I got nothing in the gift exchange."

Harry waggled his eyebrows and said, "You can have my ass."

Tiny Tots with Their Eyes All A'Glow

challenge: jae's advent, rating: pg13, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, content: bickering, content: humor, comm: hd_fluff, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, challenge: slyth hols, verse: yuletide

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