Tantalizing Touch

Nov 28, 2020 23:18

Title: Tantalizing Touch
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1100
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for xchubbycheeks, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Draco's demands earn him corporal punishment.

They eventually made their way to Zee's suite in the building at the back of the club. Zee graciously allowed Draco to shower alone, while he puttered in the kitchen putting together a tray of nibbles.

When Draco emerged from the shower, his clothing was gone, but in its place was a fluffy red robe with the Club Coquette logo over the breast. He shrugged into it, belted it at his waist, and was about to step out of the en suite when he belatedly remembered to don his mask again. By the time Draco entered the lounge, Zee was seated at one end of the sofa with a glass of wine in hand. He held up an empty glass, and Draco nodded.

He sat down next to his lover and accepted the glass of wine. Draco took a sip and hummed in delight. "That's excellent," he said. "As is this robe. I may nick it."

"The punishment for stealing club robes is quite dire," Zee warned him in a lazy drawl.

Draco smiled. "Indeed?"

"It may involve a spanking."

An inappropriate quiver sizzled along Draco's spine. "That sounds...delightful."

"A very public spanking, delivered by two strapping gladiators," Zee added.

"Nothing you've said has dissuaded me, you know."

Zee laughed out loud. "You are utterly shameless, Cinderella," he tutted.

Draco chuckled and leaned forward, intent on claiming a chunk of cheese. Zee's hand on his wrist stayed him.

"Allow me," said Zee. He picked up the bit of Brie and held it to Draco's lips.

A thrill of anticipation caused Draco's pulse to speed up and his eyes to dilate. He leaned forward and accepted the morsel from Zee, making sure to lick his lover's fingers as he did so. He heard Zee's breath hitch.

"So naughty, Cinderella," murmured Zee. "Perhaps a private spanking is in order."

"Promises, promises," Draco sassed. He yelped in surprise when Zee lunged at him. Zee muscled Draco over his lap and gave his arse a light swat through the thick material of the robe. Draco wriggled in glee, then braced his upper body on his forearms and threw a sultry look over his shoulder.

"Is that what you call a spanking?"

"Oh, I'm just getting started, Cinderella," Zee purred. He grasped the hem of the robe and began inching it upward. It was a painstakingly slow process, because Zee took the time to stroke Draco's skin as it was revealed.

Draco's legs tingled where Zee's fingers caressed him. The sensation spread upwards to his cock, which slowly filled with blood. Draco squirmed on his lover's lap, seeking some friction to ease the ache. He received another swat for his trouble.

"I'll scratch that itch in due time," said Zee. "But first, there's the matter of your punishment." He resumed raising the hem of Draco's robe, slowly, until Draco's arse was finally bared. Zee palmed one smooth cheek.

"Hm, it seems a shame to mar such perfection."

"Skip the spanking and shag me," Draco blurted, arching into the caress. He gasped when Zee delivered a stinging swat to his bum.

"You have become a demanding shrew, and for that alone you deserve a spank," Zee informed Draco. He didn't wait for a response before doling out three more slaps. The noise was sharp in the lounge, but it didn't drown out Draco's breathy little cries.

Draco's fingers clawed uselessly at the sofa cushion as Zee meted out his punishment. Each swat seemed to echo in his aching cock, and moisture leaked from the tip as each light blow landed.

"Please, please," Draco chanted, bucking a little across his lover's thighs.

Zee rubbed Draco's heated flesh. "Your arse is a lovely shade of pink," he mused. "I wonder if it's as hot on the inside as it is on the outside? Shall I stick my cock in there to find out?"

"Yes, yes," pleaded Draco, shifting restlessly.

"Very well, Cinderella," Zee relented. He scooted out from under Draco, leaving him draped across the sofa with his reddened arse in the air.

Draco got his knees under himself, which raised his bum even higher. "Hurry, Zee," he implored, giving an impatient wiggle. His breath stalled when he heard the unmistakable rasp of Zee's zip lowering.

Zee dropped to his knees on the sofa and crowded up behind Draco, who obligingly widened his legs. He heard Zee mutter a spell, and then Draco felt the results in the slicking of his hole. He held his breath at the first press of Zee's tip to his entrance. Draco exhaled on a long, low moan when Zee finally penetrated him.

"Hot," Zee groaned, answering his own question from earlier. He pushed in slowly, not pausing until his body was flush to Draco's heated backside. "How does that feel, Cinderella?"

"Oh god," Draco whimpered. He leaned his weight on his left forearm and reached for his dick with his right hand.

"Did I give you permission to touch yourself?"

"Zee-eee," Draco wailed. His outcry turned to a pleased coo when Zee's hand wrapped around his aching length. Zee gave Draco a slow stroke, from base to tip. Draco pushed his hips forward, wanting more of that tantalizing touch.

Zee indulged him, working his hand up and down Draco's cock while only making shallow thrusting motions into Draco's clenching hole. Draco's breath huffed out in harsh pants as his body moved to Zee's whims. His muscles tightened, and his heart felt as if it might burst from his chest. Draco could scarcely believe he was on the verge of orgasm again, and so quickly, but Zee inspired him.

Zee thumbed Draco's slit at the same time as he drove in hard, and Draco exploded into white-hot pleasure. Guttural sounds fell from his mouth as ribbons of come shot out of his cock. Zee stroked him through it, both inside and out, prolonging Draco's climax.

Draco wilted forward, gasping, "Too much."

Zee released his cock and gripped Draco's hips instead. He held him in position as he began fucking Draco hard and fast. He finished soon after, filling Draco with his release.

They listed to the side together, ending up in an awkward tangle on the sofa. Once their breaths evened out, Zee dragged Draco back against him, spooning him from behind. Draco's robe had fallen open, and he tugged at it, grimacing when his hand encountered cooling come. He craned his head to look at Zee, holding up his hand for inspection.

Zee chuckled. "I reckon that means you can keep the robe."

Draco crinkled his nose. "I no longer want it."

Degenerate Demand

content: sofa sex, verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, content: dirty talk, content: spanking, content: partially clothed sex, rating: nc17

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