Blank Space 69

Nov 06, 2020 22:00

Title: Blank Space 69
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 363 - Dream journal/diary, green
hp_bunintheoven November prompt - cuddles
Summary: Draco and Harry come to an understanding.

Draco handed Harry a blank journal.

Harry looked at it and frowned. "I have yet to fill my ruddy pregnancy journal," he said. "Why are you giving me another one?"

"This is a dream journal," Draco told him. "I've been having odd pregnancy dreams lately, and I reckoned you were, too. This way we can jot down what we've dreamed and try to interpret the meaning later."

"I'm not having any queer dreams," said Harry. "I dream of ice cream."

"That may be pregnancy related," Draco insisted. He turned off the telly with a wave of his hand.


"What sort of ice cream?" Draco asked as he sat beside Harry on the sofa.

Harry punched Draco's shoulder lightly. "I was watching that," he protested.

"You waste far too much time looking at that box," sniffed Draco. "Your husband and babies would like some attention."

Harry's lips quirked in a reluctant grin. "What sort of attention?"

"Some cuddles, perhaps?"

Harry flung his arms around Draco and hauled him flush against his chest. He pressed Draco's face to his shoulder and rubbed his head vigorously. "How's this?"

Draco yelped and flailed, pushing out of Harry's overenthusiastic embrace. "Why must you be so vile?"

"Don't you like my cuddles?" Harry's lips pursed in an exaggerated pout, while his green eyes sparkled merrily behind his specs.

"Vile," Draco announced, his own lip curling in a sneer.

Harry sighed. "I'm sorry," he said. "I simply don't feel like writing in one more journal."

"Aren't you excited about our pregnancies?"

"It's not that," Harry replied. "I just want to take each day as it comes and not have to worry about doing homework on top of everything else."

Draco took a moment to ponder Harry's words. "My apologies," he said. "The pregnancy journals were meant to be fun, and to me, they are. I hadn't considered you'd find it to be a chore."

"I don't mind," Harry hastened to assure him. "I write in it when I'm feeling inspired, but I don't want to feel obligated."

"Very well, Harry," Draco acquiesced. "I will no longer prod you to write in your journal. And now, you owe me some real cuddles."

Blank Space 70

comm: hogwarts365, content: dialogue heavy/only, comm: hp_bunintheoven, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, verse: blank space, content: bickering, rating: pg

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