Gains 421

Oct 14, 2020 19:45

Title: Gains 421
Author: enchanted_jae
Team: Aurors
Character(s): Harry, Draco, omc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Angst
Word count: 100
Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 641 - pattern
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Awkward silence

Harry took a sip of tepid tea and studied the pattern on the cup's interior. It was that or look at Malfoy. They sat in uncomfortable silence, drinking their tea and occasionally picking up items that AJ dropped on the floor. The ticking of the clock on the wall began to sound louder and louder to Harry's ears, until it seemed that someone was banging on a drum. He flinched when Malfoy set his cup down.

Harry raised his eyes, his expression guarded. Malfoy's expression was more readable; his jaw was set with determination.

"We can't go on like this."

Gains 422

Cross-posted to dracoharry100

content: drama, comm: dracoharry100, rating: pg, verse: gains, content: kid(s), content: mpreg, length: 100 word drabble

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