Title: Fair and Square 10
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity, violence
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 351 - therapeutic
Summary: It was inevitable.
It was inevitable that all that rolling around on the floor, combined with the delicious friction of their bodies straining and rubbing together, would result in both Harry and Malfoy coming in their pants like randy teens. Harry groaned, his lower body grinding against Malfoy's. It was so wrong, but it felt incredible. Harry climaxed in a disgraceful manner, leaving his pants wet and sticky. All of the fight left him, and his body went slack. He lay there on the floor, panting and trembling, partially draped across his hated rival.
At least Malfoy seemed to be in a similar state. His body was lax, and Harry felt a definite quiver in Malfoy's muscles. It gave him an odd sense of satisfaction. He may have come in his pants, but so had Malfoy. It served him right for all of the times he'd provoked Harry.
Malfoy chuckled weakly. "Was that as therapeutic for you as it was for me?"
"Piss off," Harry grumbled, pushing himself away. He made sure his hand was on Malfoy's stomach and that Malfoy took the brunt of his weight.
"Bloody hell, Potter, you must be getting fat," muttered Malfoy. "No wonder you've gotten too slow to catch the Snitch. Your poor broom probably cries when it sees you coming for it."
"Fuck you!" snarled Harry. "I caught three Snitches during practice this morning."
"Yeah? Bully for you. I caught three, as well," Malfoy taunted him. He sat up and plucked at his clothing, his lips twisting into a sneer. "Disgusting," he pronounced.
"Ponce," huffed Harry. Leave it to Malfoy to swoon at the sensation of damp underwear. Harry had to admit, however, that the sensation was rather disgusting. A shower was definitely in order. Harry stood up and took two steps towards the en suite. His day had been a steaming pile of troll shit, but at least he could beat Malfoy to the bathroom. A hand snagged his ankle, tripping him up. Harry fell down hard, banging both of his knees painfully on the floor.
With a mocking laugh, Malfoy hurdled Harry and dashed into the bathroom ahead of him.
Harry pounded the floor in sheer frustration. "Fucking cunt!"