Another Celebration for Two

Jul 25, 2020 17:37

Title: Another Celebration for Two
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 260
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hd_fluff Prompt No. 166 - small celebration
hd_pots_n_porn June/July prompt of birthday cake/food
slythindor100 Challenge No. 240 - Harry's birthday
Summary: Harry's 40th won't feature a party, either, but there's still plenty to celebrate.

The sensation of fingers sifting through his hair woke Harry. He opened his eyes, bringing Draco's face into blurry focus. "G'morning," he rasped.

"Happy birthday, Harry," said Draco. "Welcome to your forties."

"Mm, are you going to welcome me to the club with a suck?"

"I should think not," Draco scoffed. "You are far too old for such strenuous nonsense."


Draco laughed out loud before he relented. "Lie back and enjoy, birthday boy."

"I reckon we'll be having a celebration for two again," Draco sighed over the breakfast table. "I had hoped by now we'd be past this pandemic."

"I don't mind," said Harry. "I wasn't much in the mood for a large party any way. The two of us can have a small, private celebration, like we did for your birthday."

"I suppose that means you want me to bake you a birthday cake."

"I certainly do expect a cake," said Harry. "I want a tiered monstrosity with animated Snitches fluttering around the sides, and-"

"Are you mad?!"

Harry chuckled at the expression on Draco's face. "I'll be happy with a simple chocolate cake, love."

"With peanut butter icing?" asked Draco, eyes bright with hope.

"Oy, it's not your birthday again, you greedy sot," Harry told him. "I prefer whipped cream topping."

Draco's lips curved in a sly smirk. "How about a good, hard topping with whipped cream?"

Harry's cup rattled into its saucer. "Ahem. Do you mean later tonight, or right now?"

"It's your choice, birthday boy."

Harry stood up abruptly. "There's no time like the present for my present."

content: dialogue heavy/only, content: dirty talk, content: established relationship, rating: r, comm: slythindor100, content: harry's birthday, content: fluff, content: humor, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, comm: hd_fluff, content: awful lines

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