Title: Celebration for Two
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 305
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hd_fluff Prompt No. 166 - small celebration
hd_pots_n_porn June/July prompt of birthday cake/food
slythindor100 Challenge No. 239 - Draco's birthday
Summary: Draco's 40th won't feature a party, but Harry knows how to celebrate for two.
"Happy birthday, love," Harry greeted when Draco appeared in the kitchen.
Draco heaved a dispirited sigh and slumped into a chair at the table. "Thank you," he mumbled, accepting the cuppa Harry placed in front of him.
"Don't tell me you're going to spend all day being morbid and morose," chided Harry. "Tuning forty isn't so awful."
Draco stirred milk into his tea. "No, but it's a milestone, and I can't celebrate with friends and family because of this absurd Muggle plague."
"It's not only Muggles who are in danger," said Harry. "Besides, you've been telling me since last year that you did not want a large celebration for your fortieth."
"I didn't mean it!"
Harry knew if he laughed, he was a dead man. He reached across the table for Draco's hand. "We'll have a small celebration of our own," he promised. "Just the two of us. I'll make your favorite dinner, and we'll have a cake."
Draco's posture straightened. "A chocolate cake with peanut butter icing?"
"If that's what you want," replied Harry. "Owls have been arriving already with cards and gifts for you, and-"
"Why didn't you tell me there were cards and gifts?!"
"You didn't-" Harry was left with his mouth open as Draco jumped up and dashed from the kitchen.
"Where are they?" Draco hollered.
"Parlor!" Harry called back. At last, he allowed himself a small chuckle. Never mind Draco's actual age; he acted like a greedy four year-old whenever it was time for gifts. Harry didn't mind. It amused him, and he enjoyed spoiling the selfish prat. He finished his tea and stood up. Best get busy baking the cake now. Later, after Draco had opened the remainder of his gifts, eaten a good dinner, and been fed bites of chocolate cake, they could celebrate his birthday with a brilliant shag.
It was going to be a fantastic celebration--a celebration for two.
Another Celebration for Two