Earthy 5

Apr 17, 2020 19:08

Title: Earthy 5
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Strong sexual content
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 334 - chocolate
slythindor100 Challenge No. 238 - photo prompt
Summary: What could be more earthy than squelching in the gardens?

Draco was enjoying a quiet afternoon of reading in the parlor. He glanced up when the first spatters of rain hit the windows. Perhaps now Harry would come in from the gardens. The rain beat harder against the panes, and Draco frowned. Where was Harry? His daft husband had better not be lingering outside. Draco went to the windows for a look.

His breath whooshed out of his lungs.

Harry was standing in the gardens, white T-shirt plastered to his chiseled chest and abs. His head was flung back, clearly enjoying his impromptu shower.

"Madness," Draco muttered, adjusting himself in his trousers. Once Harry came in, Draco would spirit him off to bed immediately. His husband was like a fine chocolate, and Draco intended to savor his muscular morsel. Only...Harry didn't seem inclined to come in any time soon. Draco bit his lip and gave himself an anxious squeeze. He could wait no longer.

If the wizard wouldn't go to Hogwarts, Hogwarts must go to the wizard.

Draco flung open the French doors and stormed the garden. "Harry! Get inside this instant, before you catch your death of cold!"

Harry had the cheek to laugh at him. "It's a warm rain, love," he said. "Come give me a kiss."

"You're soaking wet!"

"I'll get you soaking wet," growled Harry, prowling closer.

Draco planted his hands on his hips and held his ground. He instantly found himself flat on the ground when Harry tackled him. "Bloody hell...o, right there, yes," panted Draco as Harry kissed his sensitive neck. He made no further complaints when Harry divested them of their trousers and pants. Soon, they were rocking together on the wet ground, accompanied by the sound of squelching. It seemed that shagging in the mud involved a lot of squelching.

It was over rather quickly. Draco had been too randy for it to last, and he knew he inspired similar lust in his husband. Harry hummed happily, pulled out, and rolled to the side.

Draco reached to push hair out of his eyes, but his hand was muddy. "Ugh, I'm filthy and soaking wet."

Harry smirked at him. "I love to leave you filthy and soaking wet."

Earthy 6

verse: earthy, comm: hogwarts365, content: mud sex, content: outdoor sex, content: established relationship, rating: r, content: bickering, comm: slythindor100, content: top!harry, content: partially clothed sex

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