Title: Someone New 181
Fandom: Harry Potter
enchanted_jaeCharacters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Written for:
drabble_weekly Prompt No. 181 - hamper
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
Summary: Resolving an argument with...a picnic.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
"Godric?!" Draco exclaimed in dismay. "He needs a strong, solid name, like Hercules."
"Hercules?!" cried Harry. "That's awful."
"Did you not say the dragon is for me?"
"Well, yeah-"
"Then it is my privilege to name him, and I choose to name him Hercules," Draco declared with a sniff.
Harry was too delighted to argue further. "Fine then. I expect you and Hercules to join me for lunch today. I've asked Hilda to clear your calendar, and I arranged for a caterer to pack us a picnic hamper."
Draco frowned. "A picnic? Where?"
Harry grinned at him. "It's a surprise."
Someone New 182