Title: Ginger Blossoms 77
enchanted_jaeCharacter(s)/Pairing: Scorpius
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Suggestion
Written for:
hp_nextgen100 No. 189 - solo
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Scorpius must take matters into his own hand. Again.
Scorpius was enjoying his pursuit of Rose Weasley and Lily Potter, but he found himself growing more frustrated by the day. He was accustomed to girls falling all over him, and while it was a refreshing change of pace to have to work for what he wanted, he was growing weary of solo sex. He reckoned he could always entice Marcia Flint into bed again, but he'd been there, done her, got the rash.
No, far better to wait for one of the ginger blossoms to succumb. Perhaps both of them at the same time? Now there was a fantasy.
Ginger Blossoms 78