Mischievous Ministrations

Nov 30, 2019 19:49

Title: Mischievous Ministrations
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1165
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for xchubbycheeks, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: The plan was to make it to bed. They don't make it past the door.

Zee placed his hands at Draco's waist and hoisted him off the low, stone wall. He lowered Draco to the ground, making sure their bodies slid together in intimate fashion. Draco's spent cock had the nerve to twitch in reaction, as did his tender rim. He took a step back from Zee and smoothed his soiled skirt down. Draco looked at his hand and sighed.

Zee laughed as he tucked himself back in and zipped his trousers. "Let's go back to my rooms, Cinderella," he said. "We can get nice and clean there."

"Isn't it more fun to get dirty?"

Zee pivoted around to look at Draco. "Don't tempt me, Cinderella," he warned. "I may yet bend you back over that wall and shag you again."

"Promises, promises," Draco said airily. He yelped in surprise when Zee moved behind him and swatted his arse.

"Come with me, you sexy menace," growled Zee. He linked his arm through Draco's and led him along the paved pathway in the gardens. They paused here and there to watch other amorous patrons engaging in sexual activity.

By the time they reached the building at the back of the club that housed Zee's suite of rooms, Draco was aroused once more. He leaned into Zee on the lift and began peppering his lover's neck with tiny, nipping kisses.

Zee tipped his head back, allowing Draco easier access, and a low moan rumbled in his throat. "You are quite naughty, Cinderella," he murmured. "I was planning to...hmm...to ravish you in the shower. Now, I fear we won't make it that far."

Draco smiled and licked Zee's skin. He raised one leg and pressed his knee against Zee's hip. With their bodies aligned, Draco began to frot against his lover. Dear Merlin, he could come just like this, rubbing off against Zee in a lift. Draco staggered slightly when the lift came to a halt.

"Come on," rasped Zee, setting Draco away from him and taking his hand. "We've put on enough of a public show for one night. I want you all to myself now." He led the way to his suite of rooms and unlocked the door. Zee dragged Draco, unresisting, over the threshold, then slammed the door behind them and trapped Draco against it.

"Shall I fuck you right here, Cinderella? Up against the door, because the two of us can't make it to the sofa, let alone the bed?"

Draco responded with a whimper. He reached for his lover, clasping his hands behind Zee's neck and tugging him close. When Zee crowded him, Draco shifted his feet apart, opening his legs to give him access.

"I wasn't going to," Zee muttered, lips hovering over the sensitive skin of Draco's neck. "Meant to take you to bed, but damned if I can wait."

"I can't wait either," gasped Draco. He pushed his hips away from the door, seeking more intimate contact. He shivered when he felt Zee grasp the hem of his short skirt with one hand and begin inching the material upward. The sensation of Zee's fingers brushing his bare skin raised chill bumps, and Draco let a moan slip free.

When Draco's skirt was bunched at his hips, Zee sank to his knees in front of him. He grinned up at Draco, eyes sparkling from his masked face.

"Fuck," breathed Draco.

"All in good time," Zee promised. "For now, I want to taste you, Cinderella." He didn't wait for a response before leaning forward and flicking the tip of Draco's cock with the tip of his tongue.

Draco's head thumped against the door as he surrendered to Zee's mischievous ministrations. With one hand, he kept his skirt hiked up. The other sought out the softness of Zee's hair, tangling in the strands and tugging gently.

Zee closed his lips around the head of Draco's cock and applied light suction.

Draco arched off the door with a cry of pleasure. Oh, the things Zee could do with his mouth! Draco's fingers tightened in his lover's hair in an attempt to pull that wicked mouth further onto his aching cock. Zee complied. He relaxed his throat, taking Draco deeper. He tongued the underside of Draco's erection and then hummed.

"I'm close," Draco panted. He raised one booted foot and draped his leg over Zee's shoulder. Zee rewarded him by fondling his balls as he continued working Draco's shaft with his mouth. Draco whined as everything tightened: his back, his balls, his fists. Zee hummed again, and he was lost. Draco's voice rose to a shout at the white-hot rush of pleasure he experienced.

Zee laved Draco's cock until it was soft and clean. He then pulled Draco's leg from his shoulder and hooked it with his elbow before he surged to his feet and tore at the front of his trousers, freeing his own rampant erection. Zee guided himself to Draco's hole, still damp and stretched from their earlier coupling, and drove up and in.

Draco cried out again, and he clamped down on Zee's cock in another, smaller spasm of pleasure. Zee groaned and shifted his grip on Draco's left thigh, opening him wider. Draco slumped back against the door, well aware it was the only thing preventing him from wilting to the floor. He clenched his fingers in Zee's black shirt to further anchor himself as his lover thrust into him again and again. The delicious, dragging pressure over his prostate and on his inner walls was almost too much stimulation, but Draco didn't complain. He didn't think he'd ever tire of being pounded full of Zee's cock.

Zee grunted with each hard thrust, caught up in seeking his own release. The door clattered in its frame as they fucked up against it. Draco knew anyone passing in the hallway would know just what activity was happening on the other side. He couldn't muster the energy to care, and he knew Zee didn't either. This was Club Coquette, after all. Here, passion ruled.

Zee pulled back and drove in once more, twisting his hips and groaning loudly through his climax. Draco relished each hot pulse inside of him, smug in his ability to provide his lover with such pleasure. When it was over, Zee collapsed against Draco, panting hotly in his ear. Draco's right leg trembled, and he could feel Zee quivering in his arms.

"We're going to end up in a heap on the floor, aren't we?" mused Draco.

Zee chuckled. "Give me a moment, Cinderella. Once I can move again, I think we can stagger to the sofa."

"The sofa?" Draco asked archly. "What sort of bloke do you take me for?" He laughed when Zee gave him a half-hearted swat on his naked arse.

"Git," growled Zee. "I've taken you six ways to Sunday, and you've enjoyed it each time."

Draco smiled and kissed Zee's jaw. There was no use denying it; Draco was addicted to Zee's potent brand of sex, and he had no regrets.

Passionate Performer

content: oral, content: role play, verse: club coquette, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: door sex, content: awkward sex, content: partially clothed sex

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