Simple Charm

Nov 09, 2019 19:03

Title: Simple Charm
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Neville/Pansy
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 725
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for katie_flint, using the prompts foliage, charms, wind.
Summary: The girl of Neville's dreams lands in his arms. Literally.

It was Autumn at Hogwarts. A light wind stirred the surrounding trees, sighing through the bright foliage like the whisper of voices.

Neville winced. He'd be hearing more than a whisper if he was late again. He bustled through the corridors, hurrying to his next class. As one of the so-called Eighth year students, he should excel at navigating the castle. Instead, he'd already been late to Advanced Charms today, and now he was in danger of being late to Alchemy.

Neville heard the click of heels on stone, and he glanced up to see Pansy Parkinson rushing from the other direction. She must be running late to her next class, too. Neville felt his ears get hot. He'd fancied Parkinson ever since Fifth year, but he'd always been far too shy to approach the Slytherin girl. Now, he was terrified. She was the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts; she could have any bloke she wanted. There was no reason for her to give Neville the time of day.

As they passed one another, Neville nodded a polite greeting, which Parkinson returned. She then stumbled, emitting a small shriek of dismay. Nev lunged forward and caught her before she fell. They ended up in an awkward embrace, with Parkinson's full breasts pressed to Neville's chest. They stared at one another in shocked silence.

Heat flooded Neville's face...and rushed lower. "Erm, I, um," he stammered.

"Th-thank you," breathed Parkinson. "You saved me from a nasty fall."

"I, erm, ahem..."

Parkinson licked her lips. "I never realized how blue your eyes are, Longbottom."

"Oh, ahem, yeah..."

Parkinson moved to put some distance between them, and Neville reluctantly loosened his grip on her arms. She cried out and fell against him once more.

"Drat! I seem to have broken my heel," said Parkinson. She frowned down at her footwear before peering up at Neville again. "Would you mind supporting me while I fix it?" she asked.

"No! I mean, of course not," Neville replied. "Er, that is to say, I would be willing. To support you, that is. I think it's for the breast. Best! It's for the best. Uh, I wouldn't want you to harm yourself."

"Thank you, Longbottom," Parkinson said with a smile. "You are a true asset to your House." She gripped Neville's arm for balance as she lifted one dainty foot from the floor.

Neville wrapped his free arm around her waist--purely to steady her--and looked on as she pointed her wand at her shoe and aimed a spell at it. Tentatively, she set her foot down and put weight on it. The heel held. Parkinson beamed, while Neville stifled a sigh of disappointment.

"Good as new," proclaimed Parkinson. "Thanks, Longbottom," she added. "I owe you one." With that, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, lingering for a too-brief moment. Parkinson drew back, smiled again, then gripped her bag and stepped away. She turned and gave Neville a little finger wave. "See you around, Longbottom. Ta!"

Neville watched her go, his eyes on her shapely backside. His lips still tingled from Parkinson's brief kiss, and he raised his fingers to them. His lips weren't the only part of him that was tingling. Neville swore he could still feel the imprint of her bounteous breasts pressed to his chest, and he was now sporting wood.


Fortunately, Neville had learned the spell to deal with that particular problem back in Fourth year. He cast the spell, adjusted his trousers, and resumed his trek to class. There was no longer a need to hurry; he was already well and truly late. Neville found he couldn't muster any distress over it. Instead, he was grinning like a mad man.

"Worth it," he whispered to himself, a new spring in his step.

Pansy waited until she'd rounded a corner before she allowed her grin to break through. She'd gotten up close and personal with the object of her fancy. Longbottom was dishy and chivalrous, as well as strong and hard in all the right places. Parts of Pansy still tingled from their contact with Longbottom's hardness. Pansy had been admiring Longbottom from afar for far too long, and today she'd decided to do something about it. Who knew that a simple Charm to break her heel would come in so handy?

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: rarepair, content: het, content: eighth year

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