Points to Slytherin

Sep 21, 2019 18:06

Title: Points to Slytherin This is part of my Headmaster Harry verse.
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Rosmerta, ofc
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity, snark, and language
Word count: 815
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for kitty_fic, using the prompts praise, pretend
slythindor100 Challenge No. 232, which was a list of 20 words/items. We needed to use at least 15, and I got 17. Knight bus, Hogwarts, Quidditch, Seeker, Snitch, Transfiguration, Expecto Patronum, Charms, Peeves, Black Lake, Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade, Niffler, Levitate, Bat-Bogey Hex, Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans, Pumpkin juice, Butter beer, Veritaserum, Thestral
Summary: Harry giveth and taketh away.

"Why can't you just fly on a broom, like everyone else?"

"I'm not like everyone else," Harry replied with a smirk. "I'm Harry Fucking Potter."

Draco rolled his eyes and muttered, "Salazar, save me." He swung a leg over his broom and rose slowly in the air.

Harry mounted his Thestral and coaxed it into flight. Draco banked his broom and flew over the Quidditch pitch. Harry followed, admiring the professor's arse as he sat astride his Nimbus. Draco still had the lithe build of a natural Seeker, making Harry long to give him a Bludgering of a different sort.

He caught up to Draco and called out, "Did you bring a Snitch?"

"No! We're meant to be checking the pitch for damage, remember?"

Ah, yes, that was what they were doing out here. A storm had swept over Hogwarts the previous evening, churning the waters of the Black Lake and downing trees in the Forbidden Forest. Since there was a Quidditch match in two days, Harry had asked Draco to help him check the pitch. Returning his mind to business, Harry took note of some damage to the stands, as well as one bent hoop. He and Draco landed on the pitch to compare notes.

"The Cushioning Charms will need to be done again," Draco commented.

"Right. I'll have Peeves do that."

"Are you mad?!"

Harry laughed. "I was having you on," he said. "Speaking of which-"

"Not unless you want to dodge a Bat-Bogey Hex," Draco interrupted.

"Are you threatening me, Professor Malfoy?"

"I'm warning you, Headmaster Toss-pot."

Harry did enjoy winding Draco up, but it wouldn't do to let him know that. He rocked back on his heels and scowled. "Ten points from Slytherin."

Draco's jaw dropped. "You can't do that!" he protested.

"I'll replace your House points if you have lunch with me in Hogsmeade," said Harry. He patted the Thestral's flank as he waited. And waited. Harry pulled some Bertie Bots Every Flavour Beans from a pocket and popped one in his mouth.

Vomit. Damn it. He fought not to gag.

"Very well, you arrogant wanker," said Draco. "I'll have lunch with you."

"That's Headmaster Wanker to you," Harry corrected him mildly. He mounted the Thestral once more. "Would you like me to give you a ride?" He directed a cheeky grin at Draco.

"No, thank you, Headmaster Wanker. I'll race you there on my broom." With that, Draco swung his leg over the Nimbus and took off.

Harry cursed. The Thestral would never be able to keep up. He used Transfiguration to turn the creature into a brand new Nimbus Eclipse and sped after his quarry.

"Hah!" Harry crowed when he drew abreast of Draco.

"That's cheating!"

"Take the Knight bus; it will be faster!" called Harry. He then leaned over his Transfigured broom and zoomed away.

Harry was waiting outside the Three Broomsticks when Draco landed. He glared at Harry and stalked past him, muttering "Fucking arse," on the way by.

"I'm going to pretend that's what you want for pudding," Harry said as he followed Draco inside.


Harry snickered and joined his snarky professor at a table for two. He raised a hand to those who called out greetings, then sat down and picked up a menu.

Rosmerta bustled up. "How about a Butter beer, gentlemen?"

"I'll have Pumpkin juice," said Draco.

"I'll take a Butter beer, Rosmerta," Harry told her. When she left, he smiled at Draco over his menu.

"Stop grinning at me like a madman."

"I'm simply admiring your dashing good looks," said Harry.

"Save your praise for your Thestral," growled Draco. "Oh, my mistake. Your Nimbus Eclipse."

"Are you jealous, Professor?"

"You wish."

"Shall I drop some Veritaserum in your pumpkin juice?"

"Do it and die, Potter."


"Headmaster Potter! How nice to see you," an elderly witch said as she hobbled to her table.

Harry nodded politely to her and returned his attention to Draco. Rosmerta arrived with their drinks before he could engage in further banter. She took their orders and left again.

"Have I earned back Slytherin's House points?" Draco asked. He licked pumpkin juice from his upper lip.

Harry's eyes tracked the movement of Draco's tongue. "Huh?"

"House points, Headmaster."

"Would you like to earn some?"

"What?! No!"

Harry smirked at him. "Let's finish these drinks and get our lunch to go."


To go ended up being back in Harry's quarters. They ate beef pasties and had sex for pudding. Harry sucked Draco off before slaking his own lust between the professor's trembling thighs. He groaned through his climax and collapsed on top of Draco.

"Geroff," Draco complained. "You're hot and sweaty."

Harry huffed and rolled away. "Mm, incredible," he sighed. "Twenty points to Slytherin."

"I didn't do this for points, Potter."

"No? You must enjoy it then."

A brief pause, and then, "You wish."

content: oral, rating: r, content: bickering, comm: slythindor100, profession: professor(s), content: humor, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, verse: headmaster harry

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