Missing Professor Malfoy

Aug 03, 2019 23:23

Title: Missing Professor Malfoy This is part of my Headmaster Harry verse.
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Luna, Neville
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 175
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Prompt Drabble No. 31 - missing in action for white_ashes07
Summary: It's good to have friends.

"Professor Lovegood, have you seen Professor Malfoy?"

"It seems he and Neville are both missing in action, Headmaster Harry," she replied with a lilting laugh. "But don't worry. They'll turn up soon enough."

Harry felt an irrational stab of jealousy...irrational because Neville was straight and in love with Luna. "Are they together?" he asked sharply.

"Perhaps," said Luna. "Neville mentioned something about potion ingredients. I'd try the greenhouses, if I were you."

"Thank you, Luna," said Harry, dropping the formalities.

As he strode away, he heard Luna say, "You're welcome, Harry."

Ten minutes later, Harry found Neville and Draco in Greenhouse Two. "Professor Longbottom, do you mind terribly if I steal Professor Malfoy away for a few moments?"

"Not at all," said Neville. "I have some mandrakes to tend to." His lips quirked in a sly grin. "Greenhouse Three is currently unoccupied. Feel free to make use of it, but be sure to clean up after yourselves."

"I say!" Draco sputtered in protest as he was led away.

Harry simply laughed and called back, "Thanks, Nev!"

Points to Slytherin

challenge: prompt drabbles, content: dialogue heavy/only, rating: pg13, verse: headmaster harry, content: jealousy, profession: professor(s)

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