HPBunintheOven Pregnancy Fest fic: Impending Fatherhood

Jul 13, 2019 14:28

Title: Impending Fatherhood
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Prompt: # S16 (Harry undergoes a physical to become an Auror and is suprised by the results. Why do these things always happen to him?)
Summary: After a routine physical, Harry's life will never be routine again.
Word Count: 1,727
Rating: R
Warnings/Contains: Sex, language
Notes: A mighty thank you to my beta, robinellen, for making this palatable.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The longer Harry waited for Healer Rosenwinge, the more nervous he became. As an Auror, he had to undergo a physical exam each year, but this was the first time he'd been asked to return to St Mungo's to discuss the results. Harry drummed his fingers on his thigh then got up and began to pace the small office. When he heard someone at the door, he quickly resumed his seat.

Healer Rosenwinge entered his office and greeted Harry with a smile. Harry felt some of his tension ease. As soon as the Healer took his seat behind the desk, Harry got to the point.

"You wished to discuss the results of my physical?"

"I did, indeed, Auror Potter," replied Rosenwinge. "First, however, have you been experiencing any odd discomfort or nausea?"

Harry frowned as his anxiety level rose again. "I have had some minor nausea lately, but it seems to abate once I've eaten breakfast."

Rosenwinge looked at the notes on his desk. "You didn't mention that the other day."

"I hadn't even thought of it," said Harry. "Is there a problem?"

Rosenwinge leaned back in his chair and stroked his salt-and-pepper goatee. "I wouldn't call it a problem, Auror Potter," he replied. "More of a concern, certainly, and it will affect your ability to do your duties as an Auror, at least for the next year."

Harry gulped, and his voice shook slightly as he implored, "Please, just tell me what you found."

"You're pregnant, Auror Potter."


Harry was sitting on the sofa, where he'd plopped himself as soon as he returned home from meeting with Healer Rosenwinge. He was still staring at the same point on the wall, although the growing gloom made it virtually impossible to see anything.


How in the bloody hell had that happened? Scratch that, Harry knew how it had happened, of course, but how had it happened?!

Harry was in a relationship with Draco Malfoy, and while they didn't live together, they certainly saw each other often enough. However, Harry seldom bottomed. He didn't mind it, but he preferred to top, and Draco was a lazy slag who was perfectly content to let Harry do most of the work when it came to sex. Regardless of who topped whom, they were always careful with contraception.

Weren't they?

Harry groaned and flung his glasses aside to rub at his eyes. This couldn't be happening. Not to him. If anyone was going to fall pregnant, why hadn't Draco? Never mind how many times Harry had banged his boyfriend; no, the one time in the past two months that Draco had asserted himself...

Harry arched his back and groaned through his climax, filling Draco with the results. His arms gave out, and he slumped on top of Draco, feeling more than hearing Draco's disgruntled sigh.

"Gimme a minute," Harry slurred. He pulled out carefully and half rolled, half fell to lie next to Draco. "Let me catch my breath, and I'll suck you off."

"I have a better idea," said Draco, moving to cover Harry's lax body. He pushed Harry's knees apart and settled between his legs.

Harry tried to lever himself up on his elbows. "But, I'm not..."

He'd been about to say he wasn't ready, but Draco whispered a handy little spell, ensuring that Harry was quite ready, indeed.

Draco guided himself into position and thrust his hips forward, penetrating Harry and sinking past his rim. Harry clenched his teeth, while Draco hummed in satisfaction.

"Mm, so tight, Harry. I should fuck you more often."

Resigned to his fate, Harry slumped back against the pillows and drew his knees up higher. "You're too lazy," he grumbled.

Draco drew back and thrust in again, chuckling as he did so. "I can't deny it," he said. It was the last words exchanged between them until Draco spurted inside of Harry while gasping, "Oh fuck, yes!"

Eventually, he pulled out, leaving Harry sticky and sore...

And pregnant. Bloody hell.

Harry was jolted out of his funk when his mobile rang. He picked it up listlessly and answered. "H'lo?"

"Where are you, mate?" Ron's voice boomed through the mobile. "We're all at the Leaky, waiting on you."

Harry bit back a groan. Tuesday nights were for getting together at the Leaky with Ron and Hermione, Neville and Luna, Seamus and Dean, and anyone else who wanted to show up. Harry had completely forgotten about it.

"Go ahead and order, Ron," he said. "I'm completely knackered."

"Oh, okay," said Ron. "We'll see you Sunday for dinner, though, yeah?"

"I wouldn't miss it," Harry replied. He said his goodbyes to Ron and closed his mobile, then let his head drop to rest against the back of the sofa. By Sunday, Harry's entire life would be in turmoil. He sighed. No sense in putting it off any longer.

Harry put his glasses back on, heaved himself to his feet, and plodded to the Floo. He stepped inside, tossed down a small handful of powder, and called out Draco's address.


Harry lurched out of the Floo and steadied himself by grasping the back of the sofa in the parlor.


A moment later, Draco appeared in the parlor. "Harry!" he cried. "I didn't expect to see you until after you got back from the Leaky."

"I, er, I didn't go to the Leaky," said Harry. "I wanted to see you."

Draco smiled at him in a sly, sexy fashion. "Hm, it must be my lucky night."

For some reason, the glib comment irritated Harry. "Would you be serious?" he snapped. "I have something I need to tell you."

Harry's tone of voice got Draco's dander up. "Very well then, let's hear it," he sniped back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Harry's throat got tight, and he felt an unwelcome prickle of heat in his eyes. He hadn't come here to fight, and now he was arguing with Draco--the father of his child. He sniffed and turned away, hunching his shoulders in misery.

A warm, gentle hand wrapped around his nape. "Harry, what's wrong?" Draco asked in a soft voice.

Harry drew in a deep breath and then another before he turned to face Draco. He had to tell him, and the sooner, the better. He cleared his throat and tried. "I...I'm..."

Draco's eyes widened with alarm. "Harry, what is it? What are you trying to tell me?"

Harry took another deep breath and blurted out, "You're going to be a father."


"Are you feeling better now?"

"Somewhat, yes. This has all been quite the shock."

"Yes, I imagine so. May I get you anything? A glass of water, or a cool compress for your head?"

"Both, I think, if you please."

"Here you are."

"Thank you. I apologize for...for passing out."

"It's to be expected, I expect."

"But, you're the one who's pregnant!" cried Draco. He slumped back on the sofa and laid the cool compress over his eyes. A moment later, he removed the damp flannel and peered up at Harry. "How did that happen?"

"We had sex."

Draco scowled. "Yes, but you're the top."

Harry scowled, too. "Not always, as you well know, you stroppy bottom."

Incredibly, Draco snickered.

Harry's jaw tightened, and he swore he could feel his blood pressure rise. "I'm glad you find this funny, you wanker."

Draco pushed himself up into a sitting position and sighed. "It's not funny," he said. "It's just...ironic."

Harry tossed his specs onto the side table and shoved one hand through his hair. "It's a bloody disaster, is what it is."

Draco suddenly gripped Harry's arm. "You're not...you're not going to get rid of it, are you?"

Harry turned his head, and even without his glasses on, he could see how stricken Draco appeared. His mood softened. "No, I want this baby," he said. "I've always wanted a family, especially with you. I just didn't plan on being the one who fell pregnant."

Draco closed his eyes in relief, then looked at Harry again. "What will you do now?"

Harry sighed and put his glasses back on. "I'll have to speak to Dawlish," he replied. "I'm going to be relegated to desk duty for...for a year," he finished. "Fuck."

"An entire year?!"

"Yes," Harry huffed. "The Healer said I was only six or seven weeks along. The pregnancy will last nine months, and then I'll need time to recuperate physically."

Draco winced. "You despise desk duty."


"I'm sorry."

"It's not-" Harry began, then he caught himself. "Well, yeah, it is your fault, but what's done is done. I need to think about the baby and do what's best for him. Or her. Even if that means sitting behind a desk."

Draco offered him a wry smile. "You're not planning to be a stay-at-home mum?"

Harry grimaced in return. "No, that's going to be your job."

"That's fine," said Draco, his smile widening. "I'm looking forward to it!" He leaned down and pressed his cheek to Harry's stomach.

Harry's cock took notice, and he sucked in a breath.

Draco inched Harry's shirt up and kissed his flat belly. "Daddy loves you," he whispered.

Harry's heart melted, even though his prick was now clamoring for Draco's kisses. He placed his hand on Draco's head and tried to gently nudge him lower.

Draco twisted away and sat up. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Harry snorted, cupping his bits. "You owe me, Daddy."

Rolling his eyes, Draco pushed Harry's hand away and brushed his fingers over Harry's groin. "Hm, I reckon we should have all sorts of naughty sex now, before you get too fat and mean."

"Fat?!" cried Harry. "I'm not going to get fat!"

"I see the mean phase has already begun."

"You tit," Harry growled. He opened his trousers and widened his legs. "Get over here and make me feel better about impending fatherhood."

Draco slid off the sofa and knelt at Harry's feet. He raised shining eyes to meet Harry's gaze and said, "Fatherhood. We're going to be fathers." He placed his hands on Harry's thighs and scooted forward. "I'll support you however I can, I promise. I'll rub your feet, massage your back, bring you pickles and ice cream--"

"And provide unlimited blow jobs," Harry interjected.

Draco smiled up at him. "Oh, yes. Unlimited blow jobs are a given."

Cross-posted to hp_bunintheoven

profession: auror(s), content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, rating: r, content: bickering, fest: hpbun pregnancy fest, content: switching, content: fest fic

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