Spot's Antics

Jun 26, 2019 18:36

Banner by capitu, gif originally posted by truerazor

Title: Spot's Antics
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Language
Word count: 635
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for goldylost. who asked for anything with cats and/or ferrets and the prompt words of so hot, really, fun
Summary: The gift that keeps on giving.

Harry came through the lounge, levitating a basket of laundry ahead of him. Draco was sprawled on the sofa, his kitten sleeping on his chest. Harry stopped and planted his hands on his hips. "Are you planning to lie around all day?" he snapped. "I could use some help with the housework."

"It's so hot," Draco whined. "Just walking will cause me to perspire."

Harry rolled his eyes. It wasn't that hot in the house, in his opinion. "Why don't you take Spot out to the garden?" he suggested. "He can have some fun romping after flying insects."

"His name is Furry Spotter," Draco corrected, "and we are taking a nap."

"You have two choices," said Harry. "You may take the cat to the garden to play, or you will be folding this basket of clean laundry."

Draco pulled a face. "You are so mean to me," he grumbled. However, he stood up, shifting Spot in his arms, and strode past Harry with a sniff and sneer.

Harry rolled his eyes again, then sat down on the vacated sofa and began to fold the laundry with rapid flicks of his wand. Once that was finished, Harry sent the basket of folded laundry up to the bedroom; he'd put the clothes away later. At the moment, he wanted to check on Draco and Spot.

Harry headed back through the house and into the kitchen. The door there led to the garden. He opened it and stepped outside. There was no sign of his boyfriend or the kitten. Harry walked to the nearest bench and sat down to wait.

There was a flash of white in the bushes, then Spot charged out, followed by Draco in his ferret form. The two of them ran along the path until Draco pounced on Spot, whereupon a tussle took place. The kitten and ferret rolled around on the path, nipping at one another as each sought to gain the upper hand. Er, paw. Draco broke free and scampered away, with Spot giving chase. The kitten caught up to him and chomped Draco's tail. Draco squeaked, and Harry laughed out loud.

Draco whirled around and lunged at Spot, sending the kitten racing away. Rather than chase after him, however, Draco stood up on his hind legs and chittered insults in Harry's direction. He was still standing there when Spot ambushed him from the foliage, taking Draco down with a flying tackle.

Harry laughed so hard he had to take his glasses off to wipe tears from his eyes. He really wished he'd brought his mobile phone with him; it would have been fantastic to get that on video. As it was, he'd be viewing it in a Pensieve again as soon as he could.

After several more minutes of chasing and wrestling, Draco changed back and trudged up to where Harry was sitting on the bench. "Budge over, you twat," he growled. He plopped down next to Harry and sat there panting for breath. Spot meowed at him from farther down the path.

"Your kitten still wants to play," Harry said with a grin.

"You go play with him," said Draco. "I'm all in."

Spot trotted up to them and began batting at the laces on Harry's trainers. Harry moved his foot, and the kitten jumped backward, causing Harry to laugh once again. Even Draco chuckled at Spot's antics. He bent over and scooped the kitten up in his arms.

"Come on, Furry Spotter," said Draco. "Let's go back inside. I don't know about you, but I feel another nap coming on."

Harry followed Draco and Spot into the house, then loudly cleared his throat. "Ahem."

Draco turned around and lifted one brow.

Harry firmed his jaw and laid down the law. "You may have another nap after you clean the litter box."

Harry and the Merry Ferret

content: animagus, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: bickering, animagus: ferret, verse: scrub, content: pet(s), content: fluff, content: humor, gift: birthday, content: ferret!draco

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