Title: Dasher, Dancer, Flogger...
enchanted_jaePairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 255
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Day One of the Advent Drabbles.
Prompt: Flogger, for
It was Christmas Eve, and the Weasleys had finally all departed for home. Harry and Draco were left sitting among the wreckage of their livingroom, surrounded by cast-off gift wrap and various boxes and packing material. Harry sagged back against the sofa, resolving to deal with the mess as soon as he could be arsed to look for his wand amongst the debris.
"Harry?" Draco approached, bearing a brightly wrapped gift that was slightly larger than the box Harry had wrapped Ron's Christmas tie in. "I have something special for you," grinned Draco, handing Harry the present.
Harry accepted it with an answering grin and took his time opening it, relishing the way Draco shifted impatiently from foot to foot. He finally pulled the paper from the box, then carefully broke the tape on the lid. By this time, Draco was practically vibrating with excitement. Catching his boyfriend's mood, Harry quickly opened the box and pushed aside the tissue paper...
...and paused.
"What is it?" Harry finally asked, touching the leather with a tentative fingertip.
Draco's grin turned into a moue of disappointment. "It's a flogger," he replied, rolling his eyes as if Harry should have known all along.
Harry winced inwardly. Draco had a tendency to be kinky in the bedroom, but this might be a bit much. "Um, sweetie?" he began timidly. "Do you really want me to use this on you?"
Draco gave an exasperated huff. "Of course not, git," he sighed. "I plan to use it on you."