Cock and Bull 21

May 20, 2019 20:24

Banner by herumtreiber

Title: Cock and Bull 21
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, omc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 1105
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for felaine, who requested more of Cock and Bull
Summary: Harry is going to need more pasture at this rate.

Harry turned the page of the local, weekly paper and grunted. "Huh. Reggie Nestlehut died," he said. "That's a shame."

Draco glanced up from reading the Daily Prophet. "Who's that?"

"He owns, or owned I should say, the property on the other side of the hedgerow from us," Harry replied. Belatedly, he realized what he'd said, but Draco didn't comment on his use of the word us.

"I thought Roger Fairtrace owned that land," said Draco, a puzzled frown furrowing his brow.

"No, Fairtrace just bales hay on that property," said Harry. "Old Reggie was a pensioner. He didn't want to mow the pasture, and he couldn't afford to pay someone to do it. Fairtrace came in, mowed it, and baled the grass. Reggie got his pasture mowed for free, and Roger got free hay. It was an arrangement that benefited both of them."

Draco was silent for several moments. Finally, he said, "People around here help one another all the time, don't they? That's...nice."

Harry made a noncommittal sound in reply. Inside, he was dancing with glee. It was utterly selfish of him, but he wanted Draco to stay on once his community payback was complete. Harry opted to change the subject.

"Speaking of Fairtrace," he began, "we need to get another load of hay today."

"Again?!" Draco exclaimed. "We got hay not that long ago."

"We have extra mouths to feed with Rusty and Frisky," said Harry, shrugging his shoulders. "Plus, Ivy and Oakley are growing and eating more hay. That reminds's about time to put Ivy out to pasture. Susie is due to calve soon, and we need to free up a stall in the barn."

"You can't put her out with Chauncy and the cows," said Draco.

"No," Harry agreed. "I'll probably put her with Maude and Rusty."

Draco looked alarmed. "What if they're mean to her?"

It reminded Harry of the time Hagrid had worried about Norbert, the dragon, and he laughed. "They probably will be mean to her at first," he said. "Ivy has a hard head and a tough hide, though. She'll be okay." He set the paper aside and pushed his chair back from the kitchen table. "Come on. We have chores to do."


Later that afternoon, Harry brought his Land Rover to a halt in front of Roger Fairtrace's barn. Fairtrace ambled out to meet them, a dog capering at his heels. "You been feeding Firefly too much?" he asked, referring to Rusty by the name he'd been given initially.

"Between him, a new cow, and two growing calves, we're going through a lot of hay," Harry replied with a chuckle.

"How's Firefly working out for you?" asked Roger. "My wife misses him sometimes."

"We call him Rusty," said Harry. "He's become best mates with my mule, and Draco rides him two or three times a week for exercise."

"That's good to hear," said Roger. "The wife will be pleased."

"We can take a picture of Rusty and Maude and send it to her," offered Harry.

Roger laughed. "Yeah, she'd like that. You heard about old Reggie, yeah?"

Harry nodded. "Sad news, that."

"Yeah, he was a good man," said Roger. "He didn't get out much, except to go to Claire's Diner each morning for a cuppa with the other old codgers."

"There's a diner in town?" Draco interjected. "How did I not know this?"

"We always go to the Cock and Bull when we eat in town," Harry replied. "Erm, we can go to Claire's the next time we go into town for lunch."

Roger glanced between Harry and Draco then continued his tale. "When Reggie didn't show up the other morning, a couple lads went out to check on him. Found him dead."

"Huh. That's too bad," mused Harry. "He had a dog, didn't he?"

"Yeah, his daughter and grandkids have already taken the dog in," Roger replied. "The biggest problem is what to do with the donkey and the pony."

"Oh?" Harry responded, sensing a trap.

"Yeah, there's no one in the family who can take 'em," said Roger. "Reggie's son and daughter and their families all live in London."

"That's a shame," said Harry, refusing to take the bait.

However, Draco, in spite of his Slytherin nature, was not so clever. "But, what will happen to them?" he asked, a worried frown on his face.

Harry attempted an intervention. "Can you take them in, Fairtrace?"

"Nah, I'm not set up to care for horses any more," Roger replied. "That's why we sold Firefly to you. Say-"

"Could Howard Threadgill take them?" Harry interrupted.

Roger shook his head. "I asked him already, but he's got too many horses as is, he says. What about you, Potter?"

And, there it was.

"I have no use for a donkey or a pony," said Harry.

"The pony would be a good size for you to ride," Roger commented.

"I beg your pardon?" Harry fumed at the same time that Draco smothered a snort of laughter.

Roger removed his hat and scratched his head. "I meant no offense, Potter," he said. "Joe is a Welsh Cob. They're big ponies."

"At least he didn't suggest you ride the donkey," Draco commented helpfully.

Harry shot him a glare as Roger addressed Draco's comment.

"Marigold is a mini donkey."

"A miniature donkey?!" Draco gasped in delight.

It was then that Harry was forced to accept the fact that he was destined to become the proud new owner of a large pony and a tiny donkey.

"I don't have room for them," he tried in a last, desperate attempt.

"We can frame up another stall in the stable," said Draco, missing Harry's quelling glare.

"I don't have the pasture space available," Harry bit out.

"I can let Reggie's family know you may be interested in buying the pasture ground that's at the bottom of your farm," said Roger.

It was now official; Harry was doomed.

He glanced at Draco, whose eyes were shining with excitement. Harry scowled at him.

"I can take care of Joe and Marigold until you're ready for 'em, and then haul 'em over in my trailer," Roger offered. "O' course, if you don't want them, I'll let Reggie's kids know I couldn't find a home for them. I think they were planning to have 'em put down in that case."

"No!" Draco protested, his expression one of horrified dismay. "We'll take them, won't we, Harry?"

Harry threw his hands up in defeat. "Yeah, sure," he grumbled. "Why not?"

"That's mighty sporting of you, Potter," Roger told him with a relieved grin. "I reckon you'll need more hay."

Cock and Bull 22

content: humor, verse: cock and bull, content: dialogue heavy/only, gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: flangst, content: bickering

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