It's hot, and we haven't had any rain in awhile. I am tired of August already. Bring on fall!
This month's JMDC prompt, in honor of the heat and dryness, is burn. Use any tense you like, and any meaning you desire. Heh. You may write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, original fic, etc. Combine it with other prompts, if you're able.
Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until August 31 at 10:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me.
Below is my entry for this month:
Title: Of Hamsters and Sauce
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Dee/Ryo
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 250
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Sanami Matoh, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ JMDC No. 150 - burn
♦ Gift for JMDC No. 149 winner
katleept, whose prompt was furry
ficlet_zone Prompt No. 5 - Michael Jackson songs. I chose : Billie Jean.
Summary: Something furry this way runs.
Ryo lifted the spoon to his mouth to taste the sauce he was making.
Dee's shout from down the hall caused Ryo to drop the spoon with a clatter. He dashed out of the kitchen to find his partner standing in the doorway of the bathroom.
"What's wrong?" asked Ryo.
Dee pointed in the direction of Bikky's room. "I saw something furry dart in there."
"Oh no!" cried Ryo. He ran into his son's room and looked around. There! Bikky's hamster was next to the dresser, nibbling on a cord. Ryo approached cautiously, lest he scare her away. He bent and scooped her up.
"How did you get out of your cage, Billie Jean?"
Dee poked his head in the room. He grimaced when he saw what Ryo was holding. "What is that?"
"It's Bikky's hamster," Ryo replied. "She must have escaped her cage." He carried her over there and saw she'd chewed a small hole in the bottom corner. Ryo sighed.
"I'll just have to put her in the bathtub for now," he said. "She won't be able to get out of that. I'll take Bikky shopping tomorrow to get a new cage. All wire this time; no plastic she can chew through."
"How long has that been living here?!"
Ryo's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Why, Dee, are you afraid of an itty bitty hamster?"
"I don't like rodents," Dee replied in a gruff voice. He turned away from Ryo and sniffed. "Is something burning?"
"My sauce!"
Of Bunnies and Soup