Purple Passion

Jun 20, 2018 21:03

Title: Purple Passion
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: R
Warning(s): Cross-dressing, sexual activity
Word count: 775
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for bleedingangel84, who requested more of Naughty Knickers, with the prompts foodplay, rimming, anal plug
hd_fluff Prompt No. 147 - list of words for Draco's birthday stormy, smirk, aristocrat, elegant, intelligent
slythindor100 Challenge No. 218 - Happy Birthday, Draco!
hd_pots_n_porn June/July prompt - Birthday celebration with food
Summary: Draco gets demanding for his birthday.

"Your birthday is tomorrow," said Harry. "Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?"

"I will require a cake, of course," Draco replied. "Something from Patisserie du Francois should do it."

"Of course, love," said Harry. "Nothing but the best for you. Any other demands, O Demanding One?"

Draco responded with a smirk that triggered Harry's internal alarms.

"I visited Tonks' shop the other day, and I bought an anal plug," said Draco.

Harry's eyes brightened with interest. "Are you going to wear it tomorrow night?"

"No, you're going to wear it, along with the knickers I bought for you."

"I am not wearing knickers and a...a plug!"

Draco's expression turned stormy. "I let you top most of the time," he said, "but it's my birthday, and I want to dine on you."

Harry's breath left him in a rush. "You mean...?"

"That's right, Harry. A rim job. And, you had better be prepared to pucker up, understand?"

"Yes," wheezed Harry.

( )*( )

Harry walked into the dining room with exaggerated care, bearing a platter with an elegant birthday cake on it. "Happy birthday, Draco," he said, setting the cake in front of his boyfriend.

Draco took a moment to inspect the offering before giving an aristocratic sniff. "This will do," he said. "Thank you, Harry."

Harry smiled and cut a generous slice. He plated it and gave it to Draco.

"Aren't you going to sit down and have some cake?" Draco drawled.

"Er, no," Harry replied. There was no way he could sit down, considering he was wearing that bloody anal plug His Highness had demanded.

"Very well, you may come and kneel at my side, and I shall feed you some cake."

"Excuse me?!"

"Indulge me, Harry. It's my birthday."

"You're a right cunt, you know that?" grumbled Harry. Nevertheless, he dropped to his knees beside Draco and aimed a glare up at him.

"You seem quite surly this evening," said Draco. "Will a good rimming sort you out?"

"Yes," blurted Harry. "That would be spiffing."

"You'll need to keep your energy up, so eat some cake," said Draco, offering Harry a small morsel with his fingers.

Harry was tempted to bite him, but the cake did smell delicious. He accepted the treat, flicking his tongue over Draco's fingers as he did so.


The sound came from both of them.

Draco offered Harry another bite of cake, and this time he managed to smear icing on Harry's lips. Draco bent his head and ran his tongue over Harry's mouth, lapping up each bit of the sweet icing. By the time they'd finished Draco's slice of birthday cake, both of them were aroused and eager for a different sort of dessert.

Draco pushed his chair back, and he and Harry rose to their feet at the same time. "Let's go finish my birthday with a bang."

"You promised to rim me before banging me," Harry muttered.

"That, I did," Draco responded with a cheeky grin. "Let's go."

They rushed up the steps to the bedroom. Draco sat on a chair by the window and ordered Harry to strip. Harry's face grew warm, but he did as his boyfriend wanted. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside, kicked off his shoes and socks, then tackled his trousers' belt, button, and zip. Harry pushed his trousers down, and the purple satin knickers that Draco had bought for him came into view.

"Beautiful," breathed Draco. He stood up and removed his own clothing quickly, until he was clad only in his pants. He gestured towards the bed. "On all fours," he instructed. "Head down, and arse up."

Harry swallowed and obeyed. He assumed the position, and his breathing quickened when the bed dipped under Draco's weight. Draco smoothed his hands over the satin covering Harry's bum. He hooked his fingers in the elastic band and tugged the scanty garment down, leaving the knickers bunched just below the curve of Harry's arse. Draco palmed Harry's cheeks and spread them. He grabbed the protruding end of the plug and drew it out slowly.

Harry moaned and wiggled.

Draco dropped the plug and leaned down to blow a breath of warm air over Harry's lubed hole. "Say 'ah'," he said, then flicked out his tongue.

"Ah!" Harry squealed.

( )*( )

Draco pulled out and collapsed next to Harry. "Best. Birthday. Ever."

"Grah," Harry responded. It was the most intelligent thing he could manage.

"Too bad we tore your knickers."

"S'a shame," mumbled Harry. He'd enjoyed himself, but he much preferred it when Draco wore knickers and bottomed.

Draco yawned. "Not to worry," he said. "You still have those green ones, yeah?"

Pink Pleasure

content: use of toy(s), rating: r, content: bickering, content: humor, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: foodsmut, content: top!draco, content: dialogue heavy/only, content: established relationship, verse: naughty knickers, content: rimming, comm: slythindor100, content: fluff, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, comm: hd_fluff, content: draco's birthday

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