Luscious Lust

Jun 16, 2018 23:55

Title: Luscious Lust
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1650
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Belated birthday gift for crimsonxangel12, who requested more of Club Coquette
Summary: Dancing as foreplay

After a late dinner at the restaurant, Zee summoned another carriage and helped Draco step up into it. Of course, he used the opportunity to grope Draco's arse before sliding onto the seat next to him. Draco didn't mind; he loved having Zee's hands on him. Once the carriage lurched into motion, Zee placed a hand on Draco's knee and began to slide it slowly upwards.

"Have I ever told you that your silk stockings drive me mad?" he husked.

"So, it's my stockings you lust after instead of me?" teased Draco.

"To the contrary," said Zee. "I lust after every luscious inch of you."

Draco smiled and snuggled closer. His breathing quickened when Zee's fingertips encountered bare skin above the top of his stocking. Zee's hand moved no further. Instead, he seemed content to simply stroke Draco's naked flesh.

Draco leaned in, close enough that the feathers on his mask brushed against Zee's jaw. "Where are we going?" he whispered in his lover's ear.

"I thought you might want to go dancing tonight," Zee murmured in response.

Draco had hoped for private time with him, but they'd already indulged themselves earlier. Dancing in the club would give them time to recover, as well as providing ample opportunity to rekindle the banked flames of their desire for one another.

The carriage delivered them to the garden in front of the lobby, where Draco customarily arrived at Club Coquette. He and Zee alighted and entered the lobby, crossing the marble floor as they headed for the entrance to the club proper. Draco could feel the beat of the music, and his hips began to move as he walked.

Zee must have noticed the extra sway in Draco's walk, if the swat to his arse was any indication. Draco laughed, drawing attention to himself. However, accompanied as he was by Zee, no one made a move to touch him. Draco was relieved; he only wanted Zee's hands on him. He would explore the ramifications of that epiphany later. For now, there was dancing to be done.

They entered the club proper, and in only a few strides, Draco and Zee were on the dance floor. It was crowded, which forced them to dance in close proximity. Draco was happy to grind against his lover, and the hardness pressing against him indicated that Zee was enjoying himself, as well.

Draco looped his arms around Zee's neck and angled his head to press light kisses to his lover's throat. He felt, rather than heard, Zee hum in approval. Zee's hands slid from the small of Draco's back to clutch his arse and tug him closer. Draco went willingly, widening his legs so that their bodies fit together intimately. If they wanted to have sex right here, on the dance floor, Draco would simply have to raise his skirt and open Zee's fly. For now, he contented himself with dancing, or in this case, pressing himself full-length against his lover and swaying to the music.

As Draco looked around the floor, he could see that other couples were engaged in sexual activity. Some of the other patrons watched, but most weren't paying any attention to the intimacies going on in their midst. The sight of others indulging themselves did inspire Draco to raise a leg and hook it behind Zee's thigh.

Zee chuckled in his ear, the sound dark and erotic. "Do you want me to fuck you here, Cinderella, where everyone can watch you take my cock?"

A tiny sound, almost a whimper, escaped Draco, and he shivered in Zee's arms. They'd had sex in the club before, and it had been naughty, exciting, and titillating. However, once was enough for Draco.

"I'd rather have you all to myself," he said, arching to frot his throbbing cock into Zee's groin.

Zee groaned. "We may not make it off the dance floor if you keep that up," he warned.

Draco smirked at him and backed off, planting both feet firmly on the floor. "Is there somewhere nearby?" he asked. "I don't think I can wait until we get to your suite."

Zee nodded and grabbed Draco's hand. He led him through the throng of dancers towards the back of the club. He greeted a burly bouncer by name, and the bloke stepped aside, revealing a dimly lit staircase that descended to a lower level.

Intrigued and excited, Draco bustled after his lover.

They walked down the stairs and emerged into a narrow passage. Several doors lined one side, spaced at short intervals. Some were open, and some were closed. Zee tugged Draco through the first open door they came to and closed it behind them. Draco found himself in a small room that was only marginally brighter than the corridor outside had been. There was a wet bar in one corner. Two chairs and a low bed were the only other furnishings. One wall held a variety of restraints and floggers.

Draco turned to his lover. "Do you want me to tie you up and whip you?"

Zee laughed. "Another time, perhaps. I was more interested in the bed...or a chair, if you'd rather."

Draco unzipped his skirt and let it fall to the floor. "The bed," he said. 'I've already bent over one piece of furniture this evening." He strutted to the bed and reclined on it. Draco gave himself a long, slow stroke. "Are you planning to join me?"

Zee's lips curved beneath his mask. "Maybe I want to watch."

Draco's lip jutted in a pout. "What if I want your cock?"

"You'll have to ask me nicely."

Draco tried to exaggerate his pout, but it wasn't easy when he was compelled to smile. How he loved Zee's naughty games. "May I please have your cock?" he breathed.

Zee's breathing quickened audibly in response. He smiled and unbuttoned his cuffs before going to work on the buttons lining the front of his shirt.

Draco lay back, content to watch the show. Zee definitely made a show of it. He took his time undoing his buttons, then he pulled the tails of his shirt from his trousers. He shrugged his shoulders and let the garment slide down his arms. When he set about folding his shirt, Draco groaned in dismay.

Zee grinned at him. "Are you that impatient, love?" He paced over to the bed, wearing only his trousers, boots and mask. Draco turned onto his back and opened his legs. Zee knelt between Draco's thighs and selected a tube of lubricant from the bed's narrow headboard. He unzipped his trousers, withdrew his cock, and smoothed lube up and down his shaft. Zee tossed the tube aside and lowered himself atop Draco, who obligingly opened his legs wider. Zee, however, seemed intent on teasing him. He positioned his cock at Draco's entrance but made no move to penetrate him. Draco blew out a frustrated breath and palmed Zee's arse, trying to tug him forward and in.

Zee grinned down at him, rolling his hips to drag the tip of his prick over Draco's sensitive rim. "Ask me nicely," he taunted.

"Please," Draco whined before muttering, "Arsehole."

Zee laughed and gave Draco what he wanted. He thrust, groaning in delight and wringing a moan of pleasure from Draco. Zee prolonged it, entering Draco in slow increments. Draco's chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he adjusted to the stretch, the burn, the fullness. Salazar, but he loved how this man made him feel. Draco locked his ankles at the small of Zee's back and lifted up to meet his first complete thrust. Zee drove in deep and hard, and Draco's eyes rolled back before he closed them.

"Is this what you wanted, Cinderella?"

Draco's eyes fluttered open once more. Zee had a tender smile on his face, and Draco felt his heart melt just a little.

"It's exactly what I want," he whispered, and he meant it. When had Zee become so important to him? Draco decided to explore that thought later also. For now, there was brilliant sex to be had.

Zee settled into a steady rhythm, stroking smoothly into Draco, over and over. Draco clutched his lover's bare shoulder with his left hand, while he reached between them with his right to get additional stimulation where he wanted it most. He moaned again.

"That's it, Cinderella. Let me know how much you like this."

"Zee, Zee," Draco panted, twisting on the bed beneath him. "Harder...give it to me harder."

Zee chuckled, a dark, delicious sound that scattered goosebumps over Draco's exposed flesh. "What man doesn't want to hear that, hm?" He did as Draco demanded, pounding into him with a fierce intensity that took Draco's breath away. He was reduced to incoherent groans and whimpers as he reveled in the furious fucking that Zee was treating him to. The regular, rhythmic slide of Zee's cock in and out, in and out, drove Draco closer and closer to the edge of ultimate pleasure. Zee slammed in again and twisted his hips, and Draco erupted into climax. His mouth fell open, his hips bucked up, and his fingers dug into Zee's shoulder with a bruising grip. When it was over, Draco wilted onto the bed, utterly spent.

Having weathered the storm of Draco's passion, Zee resumed driving into him, seeking his own peak of pleasure. He stiffened above Draco, grinding his hips into the cradle of Draco's thighs as he emptied himself. Zee's arms gave out, and he ended up collapsed atop Draco.

"Wow," he murmured.

Draco smiled and smoothed both hands up and down Zee's bare back. "Wow," he agreed.

Zee rolled off of him and said, "I can't believe it keeps getting better between us. Shouldn't we be tiring of one another by now?"

Draco turned on his side, facing Zee. "If you get tired of me, I can always tie you up and flog you."

Amorous Abandon

verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, content: cross dressing, content: dancing, content: partially clothed sex, content: club fic, rating: nc17

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