HPBunintheOven Pregnancy Fest fic: Buzzed

Jun 05, 2018 21:18

Title: Buzzed
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Prompt: # S5
Summary: Certain activities require a helping hand.
Word Count: 1,137
Rating: R
Warnings/Contains: UST, attempted solo play
Notes: Thank you to kitty_fic for the beta, and to the mods for their patience.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Harry waddled to the bed and lowered himself gingerly to the edge of the mattress. He paused for a moment, then swung his legs onto the bed, puffing with exertion. Harry leaned back against the pillows and grimaced at the dull ache in his back. Why he'd ever thought that having a baby would be a wonderful experience, he didn't know. Draco, of course, had been only too happy to assist.

"He can carry the next one," Harry muttered to himself, even as thoughts of the night this baby had been conceived danced through his head. Harry groaned again as a different kind of discomfort assailed him. He had no business feeling aroused at this stage of his pregnancy. Harry huffed and squirmed, trying to get comfortable. He finally found a tolerable position, and he sighed in relief. It was short-lived. Harry frowned as his naughty cock refused to stand down.

Where was Draco? He should have been home by now. Harry knew that Draco would treat him to a hand job or a blow job, if he asked. He grumbled under his breath and shifted around again. It was no use; Harry's cock was pressing against the underside of his rounded belly, demanding some relief.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Harry muttered. He reached beneath his stomach, finding his prick by feel. He wrapped his fingers around it and gave himself a squeeze. Harry soon discovered that trying to stroke himself was difficult. The baby moved, pushing or kicking against Harry's hand. He scowled, and then began to chuckle.

"I take it you don't appreciate me knocking on the wall?"

The baby kicked again, and Harry released a sound that was part groan, part sigh. This was never going to work. He should just give up and try to get some sleep. If he was still randy when Draco returned, Harry could demand some attention then. Harry released his prick, rubbed a soothing hand over his stomach, and tried again to get comfortable.

It wasn't working. Harry's cock throbbed for want of attention, and now his rim was clenching, as if begging for some action, too.

"Ungh," Harry moaned. No one should be this randy at such an advanced stage of pregnancy. Sex simply wasn't feasible, and solo play was obviously out. He squirmed on the bed again, and the baby reacted with another kick.

"Bloody hell, settle down," Harry hissed. He fumbled for his aching cock and squeezed the base, trying to calm himself. It was no use; Harry's body was demanding satisfaction. Giving in, he twisted onto his side and Summoned the decorative box that contained his and Draco's various bedroom toys. Harry got his hands on the prize and struggled to open it, which was no easy task in his position. He lacked any leverage, and the clasp wasn't cooperating. Harry gritted his teeth and tugged. The box opened abruptly, spilling its contents all over Harry, the bed, and the floor.

"Fuck!" Harry swore. He lifted his head to see what was left within his reach. The first item he picked up was a cock ring.

"Pft, no," muttered Harry, tossing it back into the box. The next thing he got a hand on was a dildo. Harry was pleased with himself, until he saw which one it was.

Big Blue

Draco had given the toy its naughty name, due to its length and massive girth. Big Blue was one of Harry's favorites, but he reckoned he shouldn't overdo in his condition. He dropped the dildo in the box with a sigh of regret and patted the bed beside him again.

This time, Harry came up with Pink--a rosy hued vibe of moderate size.

"Ah ha!" he breathed, pleased with this small victory. He clutched Pink in one hand and tipped the toy box so he could peer inside of it. Harry's euphoria died when he couldn't find any lubricant in the box. He lifted his head, but he didn't see any on the bed, either. Harry's jaw tightened, his cock throbbed, and his rim spasmed. He was in dire need of relief.

Harry took a deep breath and calmed himself. He then whispered a standard spell, smiling again when he succeeded in conjuring lubricant where he needed it most. Harry hiked the hem of his sleep shirt up over his distended stomach and aimed Pink down, between his legs.

He couldn't reach that far.

"Bloody fucking hell! Fuck!"

Harry threw Pink across the room in disgust. There was a crash of breaking glass when it struck something in the general direction of Draco's dresser, and Harry winced.

"Oops," he muttered. Harry raked a hand through his hair in frustration. Maybe Draco would come home soon and see to Harry's needs. Harry forced himself to breathe deeply as he settled in to wait.


"Damn it," he grumbled. His body was still clamoring for release, and there was no telling when Draco would get home. Harry fisted his hands in the bedding as he strove to keep calm. He could do this. He didn't need Draco, that unreliable twat. Harry patted the blankets beside him, bypassing anal beads (no way could he insert those on his own!) and a cock cage before his hand came to rest on another vibrator. Harry picked it up to see which toy it was.


Harry grinned. Buzzy had earned its name. It was a small vibe, but it packed a wallop.

This time, instead of trying to reach his target from between his legs, Harry drew one leg up as far as his distended stomach would allow and aimed the toy from a different angle. He still couldn't reach his hole.

"FUCK!" Harry yelled, giving vent to his frustrated lust.

He heard a clatter and a bang from the depths of the house, followed by pounding footsteps. The bedroom door opened with a crash as Draco ran inside.

"Harry, are you alright?! What's...going...on here? Er, do I even want to know?" Draco's wide eyes took in the devastation, from the toys scattered across the bed and strewn over the floor, to the broken mirror over his dresser. He returned his attention to Harry, who glared at him mulishly from the bed.

Harry knew how ridiculous he must look, lying there like a gravid cow, sleep shirt rucked up over his belly, and surrounded by naughty sexual aids.

"I was feeling randy," he bit out, "and you weren't here to help me." Harry's expression dared Draco to take the mickey out of him.

Draco was neither stupid, nor suicidal. "I see," he said evenly, drawing the two syllables out. "I am here now. Would you still like me to give you a hand?"

"A hand, fingers, cock, tongue, anything, please" said Harry. "I just need some relief."

Cross-posted to hp_bunintheoven

content: use of toy(s), content: established relationship, content: mpreg, rating: r, content: humor, content: ust, fest: hpbun pregnancy fest, content: fest fic

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