The Month of Me!

Jun 02, 2018 15:18

My birthday falls in June, which means I turn into a total diva and inflict myself on everyone. All. Month. Long. My fondest wish is that my birthday won't be the massive disappointment that it was last year. I'm still bitter, Mt Horeb!

Anyway, you can help me celebrate by supporting some of my favorite communities throughout the month. I'm not asking for presents for me; rather, I'd like to see more fic/art/poetry/what-have-you posted to the following communities this month:

do_me_veela - The wonder of wings!
dove_drabbles - A multi-fandom comm with monthly prompts
drabble_weekly - Multi-fandom drabble comm with fun prompts
dracoharry100 - We need more participation here!
ficlet_zone - Multi-fandom community with monthly, themed prompts
harry_draco_cat - One of my purrsonal favorites.
harrydracompreg - Self-explanatory
hd_angst - If you enjoy angst, support the comm!
hd_atdaclub - Club fic (and art!), for the win!
hd_fluff - Who doesn't love fluff?!
hd_ina_tree - Anything involving Harry/Draco and trees is welcome.
hd_pots_n_porn - Drarry foodsmut! For June/July, the prompt is BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WITH FOOD
hp_animagus - I love Animagus fic and art!
hp_bunintheoven - Celebrating pregnancy/children in the HP verse - can be het, slash, or femmeslash
hp_coffeehouse - Who doesn't like coffee and/or tea? Show your love for it at this comm!
hp_creatures - They post monthly prompts, but any creature fic/art goes.
hp_lowrating - This is a comm for slash fic/art that is rated no higher than PG13. It's a wonderful place to steer younger members of fandom, and it needs more entries. Please keep it in mind any time you write/draw slash (including femmeslash!) pairings that are rated PG13 or lower.
hp_nextgen100 - Celebrating the next generation of HP characters
hp_sticklove - Ayone can make stick!art. It's fun!
hp_unfaithful - a community exploring infidelity in the HP-verse
mixandmatch100 - drabble comm for pairing up characters from different HP Houses
poetic_hp - Poetry in the Harry Potter verse. This month's prompt is TORRID
slythindor100 - Despite the name, it's not restricted to 100-word drabbles. All fic/art featuring Harry/Draco is welcome, and monthly prompts are posted.
theferretdraco - There should be more ferret!Draco!

Help these communities "bloom in June", and you will make me a happy birthday girl!

event: my birthday

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