Good Lip Service

May 14, 2018 20:06

Title: Good Lip Service
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Sexual activity and language
Word count: 910
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for twistedm, who requested a sequel to Luna Lovegood's Good Love Matchmaking Service
Summary: Their first date doesn't quite end with a bang...

After pudding, Malfoy succeeded in convincing Harry to come back to his place. He owned a flat in Wardian London, featuring floor to ceiling windows that provided a fantastic view of the city.

Malfoy invited Harry to step out on his private balcony while he procured some wine. Harry took a moment to admire the variety of plants that were growing on the balcony, from magical to mundane. By the time Malfoy joined him, Harry was leaning on the railing and gazing out over London.

Malfoy handed him a glass of wine, and Harry took a sip. His eyes widened; the wine was more potent than he was accustomed to.

"Planning to get me pissed, Malfoy?"


Harry chuckled. He did enjoy Malfoy's sense of humor. At least, he assumed his host was being facetious. "You have a beautiful home," he commented.

"Would you like a tour of my bedroom?" asked Malfoy, smiling at Harry over the rim of his glass.

"Another time, perhaps," Harry replied.

"Would you at least like to see my etchings?"

"Malfoy!" cried Harry. He shook his head and laughed again.

Malfoy smirked, but he ceased trying to get Harry to agree to anything sexual. They finished their wine and repaired inside.

"Would you care for another drink?" asked Malfoy.

"No, I should get home," said Harry. "Thanks for inviting me over to see your flat, and thanks for agreeing to have dinner with me, even though I wasn't whom you expected."

"I wasn't any more surprised to see you than you were to see me, I reckon," said Malfoy. "I am astonished, however, that Looney didn't warn us."

"Would you have shown up, had you known she matched you with me?" Harry asked.

Malfoy hesitated, clearly considering his answer. "Yes," he decided. "I would have, if only to see what you're hiding in your pants."

Harry tossed his hands up in the air and headed for the door, but he was grinning in delight.

"Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" asked Malfoy, following Harry to the door.

Harry licked his lips and nodded. His cock was already straining at his zip, and he hoped he could stop at just one kiss. It's not that he didn't want to sleep with Malfoy, but Harry wanted more from him than just dinner and a one-off.

"That depends," said Harry, voice husky with need. "Do I get a second date?"

Malfoy's head tilted slightly, eyes calculating. "Yeah," he answered. "I'd like that."

"Then I'd like a goodnight kiss," said Harry, stepping forward. He took control, cupping the back of Malfoy's head and drawing him in. Their lips met and pressed together lightly, tentatively. One of them moaned, and then their mouths were open, their tongues tangling, searching, stroking.

Harry's back met the door with an audible thump, and Malfoy leaned into him. He shifted to press their groins together, and he began to frot against Harry. Unable to resist, Harry arched into it. Malfoy broke the kiss, gasped in a desperate breath of air, and sealed their mouths together once more. He raised one leg and hooked it around the backs of Harry's thighs. The only way they could be pressed to one another more intimately was if they were actively engaged in penetrative sex.

Harry tightened the fingers of one hand in Malfoy's hair, while he clutched Malfoy's arse with the other. He rolled his hips, dragging his confined cock over Malfoy's.

Malfoy's head fell back, and he groaned. "I need you, Potter," he panted.

"We can't," mumbled Harry. Denied Malfoy's mouth, he was now sliding his lips over Malfoy's throat. "Not...first date."

"Fuck, Potter, you can't leave me like this!"

Harry took pity on him. He pushed Malfoy away, reversed their positions, and slammed him against the door. Harry dropped to his knees and attacked Malfoy's fly. He succeeded in freeing his prick. Harry licked his lips again. Malfoy was long and hard, delightfully curved, and already leaking pre-come. Harry closed his lips over the tip, relaxed his throat, and took Malfoy down.

"Fuck!" bellowed Malfoy, hips arching away from the door.

Harry gagged and pushed him back again. This time, he kept one hand on Malfoy's stomach as he worked his cock with his mouth. Harry fondled Malfoy's balls with his free hand, enjoying their weight on his palm as he rolled his bollocks back and forth.

Malfoy tugged painfully at Harry's hair, trying desperately to thrust deeper into his mouth. Harry's eyes began to water, but there was no stopping now. He plied Malfoy's cock with his throat, his lips, his tongue, and even the edge of his teeth.

"P-Potter...I'm...I'm...oh yes, yes, yes...OH GOD!"

Harry swallowed reflexively. When Malfoy slumped against the door, Harry sat back on his heels and wiped his chin. Bereft of support, Malfoy's legs gave way, and he slid to the floor.



"You have to move so I can leave."

One gray eye opened. "Wha' about you?"

"I'll wank when I get home," said Harry.

"Fucking tease."

"I think, given the circumstances, that should be my line," Harry said. He stood up, wincing at how sore his knees were and how much his cock ached.

Malfoy scowled and half crawled, half scooted away from the door. "I wanted your cock."

"Second date?" Harry prompted him as he closed his hand over the door knob.

"Here, tomorrow night," said Malfoy. "Don't bother wearing pants."

Harry laughed and walked out the door.

content: oral, content: frotting, content: flirting, rating: nc17, content: humor, content: ust, gift: birthday, content: door sex, content: partially clothed sex

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