HPGetLucky Fest fic: Come On Inn

Apr 30, 2018 20:22

Title: Come On Inn
Author/Artist: enchanted_jae
Prompt: No. S-32 (Draco/male of his generation) - "Oh, fuck me." "Really?" "Please, you're not that lucky!" But they really are.
Pairing(s)/Characters(s): Harry/Draco
Word Count/Art Medium: 1620
Rating: R
Warning(s) (Highlight to view): *UST*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: I was lucky enough to have the lovely alisanne beta this for me. Thanks!
Summary: Harry and Malfoy have been sent to the U.S. for specialized Auror training. Harry seizes the opportunity to get to know his partner better.

Come On Inn, Day 1

Harry followed his partner through the door of their suite, only to bump into Malfoy when he came to a stop. Harry peered around him to see what had caused him to hesitate. Instead of the promised luxurious suite at the inn, it was a small room with two double beds, one bureau, and a tiny table with two chairs. They were in America for a week to attend intensive Auror training, and they'd been promised a swanky suite at the quaint Come On Inn. Although the inn was certainly quaint, the accommodations were not swanky, nor was the room a suite.

Harry shrugged. He'd endured worse.

"Oh, fuck me," muttered Malfoy.

Harry brightened. "Really? Well, if you insist," he drawled, giving his partner's arse a slap. Harry laughed as he dodged Malfoy's return strike.

"Please, you're not that lucky," sneered Malfoy. "I'm taking the bed by the window," he added, stalking into the room and tossing his bag on the bed. Harry walked in and slung his own bag on the other bed.

Malfoy planted his hands on his hips and surveyed their tiny accommodations. "This is a disgrace," he spat.

"Wait until your father hears about it."


"Nothing," said Harry, turning his head so Malfoy wouldn't see him grin.

Malfoy continued with his tirade. "This is simply unacceptable. I'm going to have a word with the management."

As Malfoy stormed out of the room, Harry chuckled and shook his head. Yes, the room was small, but it was clean, and he'd slept in smaller spaces. Harry found himself rather pleased with their meager accommodations. He'd been lusting after Malfoy since puberty, and he was excited at the chance to spend some quality time with his partner in such close quarters. Malfoy never gave Harry the time of day, and he'd just steadfastly declared that sex was out of the question, but Harry had several days--and nights--to change his partner's mind.

Come On Inn, Day 2

Harry flopped back onto his bed and yawned.

Malfoy busied himself with removing his Auror uniform, as if it would dare wrinkle if he sat in it for one minute longer.

"I thought our sessions today were informative," he commented.

"I reckon so," muttered Harry. He'd found them deadly dull. This specialized training that he and Malfoy had been selected to attend seemed more like remedial Auror classes.

Malfoy glanced at him sharply. "Were you even paying attention, Potter?"

A lazy smile curved Harry's lips. "I did when Matthews was speaking."

"He's married, Potter. Didn't you see the ring on his hand?"

"So?" countered Harry. "I can still look. Besides, you just admitted to checking for a ring on his hand."

Malfoy's chin lifted. "I'm a trained Auror," he said. "It's my job to take note of details."

"If you're randy after taking note of Matthews, I'm willing to have sex with you," Harry offered.


"Is that a no?"

"Yes, that's a no."

Harry frowned. "Now I'm confused."

"Shut your gob, Potter."

Come On Inn, Day 3

Malfoy's resistance to Harry's subtle seduction attempts would be admirable, were it not so frustrating. Harry realized he needed to up his game. When he and Malfoy returned to their room that evening, Harry announced he was going to take a shower. Malfoy didn't bat an eyelash.

Harry went into the small bathroom, stripped down, and stepped under the spray of the shower. The goal wasn't to get clean; it was to get wet. He stepped out and patted himself dry, being sure to leave some water on his shoulders to trickle down. Harry knotted a towel low on his hips and sauntered out of the bathroom. He made a production of standing at the foot of his bed, hands on hips, as he pretended to look for something. In reality, Harry was surreptitiously watching Malfoy for a reaction. He was not disappointed.

Malfoy's eyes tracked a droplet of water that trickled from Harry's collarbone and down his chest, where it got hung up on his beaded nipple. Harry managed to control his smirk. He was so getting lucky tonight.

Malfoy stood up, and Harry's pulse pounded in his ears...and lower.

"My turn in the shower," drawled Malfoy. He walked past Harry and shut the door behind him.

Harry flung himself across his bed, wincing when he nearly broke his cock. He punched his pillow, but it was a poor substitute for pounding Malfoy's arse.

Come On Inn, Day 4

Malfoy's self-control was becoming a problem, and Harry resolved to fix it. This time, he let Malfoy have the shower first. Harry waited until the water stopped running before putting his plan into action. He sprawled back on his bed, unzipped his trousers, and pulled his cock out. Harry poured a small amount of lubricant in his hand and began stroking it up and down his shaft. It felt fantastic, and his hips bucked up a little. He stayed his hand and took a deep breath. Getting to the main event before Malfoy even exited the bathroom would defeat the purpose. Harry waited until he'd calmed sufficiently, then he resumed sliding his hand leisurely up and down his erect dick.

Malfoy came out of the bathroom and hesitated for just a moment when he saw what Harry was doing. He shook his head and walked out of the hotel room, after Transfiguring his pyjamas into something more suitable.

"Fucking hell!" snarled Harry. It was no fun, performing without an audience, but he did need some relief. Harry wanked himself to completion with a scowl on his face.

Come On Inn, Day 5

Their training seminar in the States was almost at an end, and Harry still hadn't been lucky enough to shag Malfoy. As a result, he was feeling frustrated and surly. By the time they returned to their cramped quarters, Harry was in a right strop. He snapped at Malfoy over nothing of consequence, then had the nerve to take offense when Malfoy snapped back at him.

In moments, the two of them were yelling obscenities at one another. Malfoy pushed Harry, and Harry responded by shoving him with enough force to send Malfoy sprawling across his bed. Malfoy grabbed a handful of Harry's shirt and dragged him down with him. They lay there, bodies pressed together, faces mere inches apart, and glared at one another.

Harry hadn't yet made the segue from fighting to shagging, but Malfoy did. He fisted one hand in Harry's hair and yanked his head down. Their mouths met in an angry kiss that included biting and tongue wrestling. Harry groaned into Malfoy's mouth and ground their groins together. After too many days and nights of frustration, it seemed satisfaction was imminent. He'd forgotten how arousing fighting could be.

Snogging and frotting was interspersed with grappling, as Malfoy sought to reverse their positions. Harry, however, was having none of it. Malfoy had thrown down the gauntlet, basically challenging Harry to shag him, and Harry had never backed down from a challenge.

Malfoy eventually surrendered, moaning and opening his legs. Harry took advantage, shifting to lie between Malfoy's thighs. Their hands wandered, grasping at shoulders, arses, and hair. Impatient lust had them tugging at one another's clothing. Buttons broke free and scattered across the bed and onto the floor. The buttons were soon joined by various articles of clothing. Harry had been waiting too long to worry about getting Malfoy completely naked. Once he had access to the good parts, he Accio'd the tube of lube, smeared it over his hand and speared Malfoy on two fingers. Malfoy gasped and raised his hips, twisting on the bed as he bore down on Harry's fingers.

Harry would have liked to take his time opening Malfoy up, but he wouldn't last long enough to get his cock in there if he didn't hurry.

"I can't wait," he warned in a rough voice.

"Do it, Potter."

Harry was accustomed to taking orders, and this was one he was only too happy to comply with. He moved up Malfoy's body and lowered his hips into place, guiding his cock to its target with one hand, while supporting his weight with the other. He pressed the head of his cock to Malfoy's entrance and flexed his hips forward.

Malfoy groaned when he was penetrated, but he didn't shy away. Instead, he clasped both hands on Harry's arse and tried to pull him in deeper. Harry obliged, slamming in hard and deep. He drew back and thrust in again, and then their bodies were slapping together as they churned up the bedding with their frantic movements.

Harry was hurtling rapidly towards climax, and he wasn't certain he could stave it off long enough to ensure that Malfoy enjoyed himself. Tension spread through Harry's body and exploded in release. He groaned as he emptied himself inside of Malfoy.

"Potter, you utter cunt!"

Harry mumbled an apology and pulled out. He slid down Malfoy's body and bent his head, wrapping his lips around Malfoy's cock. He was rewarded with a hum of approval and a sharp tug to his hair. It hurt, but he wasn't in any position to complain. Plus, his mouth was full. Harry was no slouch at giving head, and soon Malfoy was keening out loud and pulsing in Harry's mouth.

Harry licked him clean, then rolled away and heaved a happy sigh. He turned his head to look at Malfoy, whose eyes were closed.

"That was brilliant," said Harry.

No response.

He nudged Malfoy. "You're a fantastic shag, Malfoy."

"Fuck you," Malfoy sneered without opening his eyes.

Harry smiled gleefully. "You should be so lucky."

Cross-posted to hp_getlucky

content: oral, fest: hp_getlucky, profession: auror(s), rating: r, content: bickering, content: ust, content: top!harry, content: angry sex, content: partially clothed sex, content: fest fic, content: awful lines

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