Third Grandbaby on the Way

Jan 15, 2018 17:32

Title: Third Grandbaby on the Way
Author: enchanted_jae
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Draco/Harry, ofcs
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual situation
Word count: 720
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Gift for spicykittins for the beta work on a dracotops_harry fest fic. Prompt given was pregnant!Harry
hp_bunintheoven January prompts - fireworks, New Year's surprise
Summary: Draco and Harry fob their daughters off on the elder Malfoys New Year's Eve.

Harry was reading a book to Gabrielle when Draco sauntered into the nursery. His expression was smug and...Harry gulped...predatory.

"I have a New Year's surprise for you, Harry," Draco announced.

Harry smiled. "Does it involve ice cream, a foot massage, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep?"

Draco's expression turned thoughtful. "I suppose it can," he replied, sounding tentative.

"What is it?" asked Harry, curious now.

"Mum and Father have agreed to take the girls to see the fireworks, and they will keep them overnight," said Draco. "Do you know what that means?" he murmured, eyes gleaming in a predatory fashion once more.

Harry rested his hands over the mound of his stomach and raised his eyebrows. He knew what Draco was implying, but he couldn't resist baiting his husband. "It means several hours of uninterrupted sleep," he said.

"Berk," grumbled Draco.

"Daddy, that's a bad word," said Genevieve, who had just trailed into the nursery.

"It is a grown-up word," Draco corrected her. "Don't use it until you're at least sixteen."

"Okay, Daddy."

Draco smiled down at Genevieve and tousled her dark curls. "Very good," he said. "You get to stay with Grandmère and Grandpère tomorrow night."

Genevieve's lower lip protruded. "I don't wanna," she sulked.

Harry fought the urge to comfort her. He didn't blame his daughter one bit. The elder Malfoys were not the warmest people in the world, although they doted on their granddaughters. Harry hated to think what sort of ideas they might put into the girls' heads, especially Genevieve, who was old enough to understand more than adults tended to credit her with.

"Lillian Genevieve, that is enough," Draco scolded. "Your grandparents want to spend some time with you and Gabrielle, and you will go and behave yourself."

"It will be fun," Harry said, inwardly cringing. "Besides, you need to make sure Gabbi is a good girl."

Genevieve looked at him with suspicion, her green eyes so like his that it sometimes took Harry's breath away. "What about you and Daddy?" she finally asked.

"I'll make sure your Daddy behaves himself," Harry assured her.



Harry had demanded ice cream, which Draco had produced without complaint. He was now enjoying a foot massage from his talented husband. Harry sighed in pleasure, noting the way his response triggered one in Draco. Harry knew he was being thoroughly and unashamedly seduced, but he didn't mind. A shag sounded brilliant, especially when they didn't have to worry about one of the girls calling out for them, or worse yet, walking in on them.

Eventually, Draco's hands began massaging other parts of Harry's body, working slowly up his legs to his thighs. Harry hummed in pleasure and arousal. Draco knew exactly how and where to touch him, and Harry relished it. They would have to be careful of the baby growing inside of him, but then again, they had all night. Draco tugged at the knotted tie that was the only thing holding Harry's robe together. He bypassed Harry's straining erection for now, choosing instead to stroke Harry's stomach with reverent fingertips.

"Let's hope this one is a boy, so Father stops pestering for a grandson," he said, lips quirking in a grin that clearly indicated how little he cared.

"If it's not, you're carrying the next one," said Harry.


"This is my third," Harry pointed out. He covered Draco's hand with his own and guided it where he wanted it, sighing in appreciation as Draco's fingers wrapped around his aching length.

"Hm, we can discuss it later," said Draco. He lowered his head and lavished his undivided attention on his squirming husband.

Harry gave himself up to the pleasure that Draco was bestowing on him. When he climaxed, it was with a low, throaty groan. Harry cooperated when Draco turned him over, getting his knees under him and raising his arse. He moaned again when Draco pushed inside of him and began to slowly thrust.


Harry woke up in the middle of the night, alert to any sounds from his daughters.

"Go ba' to sleep," slurred Draco. "Th' girls are with my parents."

Harry nodded and snuggled deeper under the covers and closer to his husband's warmth. A pleased smile curved his lips. Hours of uninterrupted sleep. Best to take advantage of it before this next one was born.

Grandbabies and Kittens

comm: hp_bunintheoven, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, rating: r, verse: grandbabies, content: kid(s), content: top!draco, gift: beta

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